
Pure water and air are the two most important physical ingredients of a pure lifestyle, followed closely by nutrition.

We can live only a few minutes without air, but what consideration have you given to the long term consequences of pollution? There may not be much you can do short of moving, but you could at least use an air filter to improve it a little. Mechanical filters (paper etc.) are better than electrostatic.

Much domestic water contains chemical residues and may need filtering. Drinking, cooking, and bathing water should all be filtered. Chlorine may be necessary to control bacteria, but you should not drink it or bath in it. Chlorine specific filters are available for showers. Note that distilled or reverse osmosis filtered water needs to have certain minerals added back to it.

The basics of nutrition are to eat organic non GMO food as much as possible. God has said we were not designed to eat seaweed or petroleum. A great many food colorings, flavorings, preservatives, and other food additives are petroleum based. There are literally thousands of additives and ingredients in our food. Most have been individually tested for safety but not in combination, and many combinations are bad.

There are pesticide, herbicide, hormone, and drug residues in much of our food. The only way to avoid them is to purchase organic food or grow your own. The most critical items are milk and meat. If you can afford nothing else buy these organic. Yes, it is expensive, but what price your health and especially that of growing children? If it costs twice as much then eat half as much, and you will be way ahead health wise. A great many behavioral problems and allergies can be cured or greatly reduced by eating better foods, nor is there any need for supplements in most cases.

The Bride of Christ