God and Politics

God and Politics

I have been surprised by God’s commentary on American politics. I have been of the opinion that politics and religion don’t mix very well and that the ‘religious right’ has probably done more harm than good, both politically and religiously. God does not seem to agree that this subject should be avoided. He has made some direct, pointed, and very strong comments, which I have posted. I considered not doing so. I have never been commanded to post anything.  However, they are His words, and who am I to restrict them?

The words will seem to many as the ranting of a religious kook, but they are not. There are plenty enough of those, and their purpose is to distract from, and discredit, the true. Very, very few are going to accept any of this until it comes to pass. Then they will know there has been a prophet among them, and most will not listen even then.

To those with an ear to hear – listen to what God is saying and make some decisions about what you are going to do. You have been warned. I have done my job.

The Bride of Christ