About Demons

About Demons


This booklet concerns a subject about which there is a great deal of misunderstanding, superstition, and denial. It is intended to educate and to provide some guidance in dealing with the effects demons can have in your and your families life.

We do not claim to be the sum of all knowledge on this subject. Our understanding increases as God instructs us, and we continue to learn from the practical application of these principles. Our aim is to educate you and equip you to defend yourself and your family from forces which are far more prevalent than most people realize. It is not intended to make you into a deliverance minister or spiritual warrior, terms which are often poorly defined, misunderstood, and misapplied. Much of this information is intended to increase your knowledge and understanding of this subject, not to encourage you to practice it beyond your need.

Recognizing the enemy is the first and most important step in defeating him.

Church of the Reformation © 2010, 2013

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We have learned more on this subject since this book was written. There have been great changes in the spirit part of creation which has made some of this book a little simplistic. It is not incorrect, but the subject must be understood in a much broader context. We have always known that the spirit is just as complex as the physical. However, that was just knowledge without much detail or enough understanding to deal with it in more than a crude way. We still have much to learn and our understanding and skill continues to increase.

We have come to understand that God’s plan is bigger than just the creation of a suitable companion for Himself. That is just the first step in a bigger plan. Angels figure most prominently in the second step although we don’t understand what that all entails yet. God does say we are equal partners in the greater plan – separate but equal.

From the angels point of view, God’s plan was always seen as deficient. Even the angels that did not rebel did not think it would work, but they remained loyal and continued to support God and His efforts. Six thousand years of human history, with every advancement of God’s plan seeming to end in failure, did nothing to convince them otherwise. Then something significant occurred. A tiny group of people made the commitment to purity which God had been working toward all this time. They allowed God out of the box we all put Him in and then let Him define Himself without preconceptions. This ability to recognize truth, accept it, and make the necessary changes in response has only been accomplished by a few individuals in the past and never in a group or body. Just this small success was enough to convince the angels that God’s plan could, in fact, succeed in spite of all the apparent failures of the past. They were basically unable to see the progressive nature of the plan or recognize advancement until success was achieved. Even though this step seems very small, it was enough to convince them. We must emphasize that we are no greater than those who have gone before us. It is just God’s time to do this work, and we are willing to accept what He is doing and cooperate with it.

In addition, God explained to the angels their greater part in His overall plan – something they had not known before. Satan had withheld this information in his rebellion. Why God did not correct this deception earlier is not known, but now they do know.

In light of all this, the angels which had rebelled and become demons were given the opportunity to be redeemed, to switch sides again and become active supporters instead of opposers of God and His work. The vast majority of first and second level fallen angels responded to this, but only a few of the third level. The good news in this is that there are far fewer demons. The bad news is that the ones left are more capable, powerful, and evil, and includes many who were not deceived and understood and agreed with Satan all along.

What this means from a practical point of view is that many of the techniques discussed in this book are not as applicable as before. There are far fewer low level demons against which much of this book was written. There are still some, but you are less likely to encounter them. It was relatively rare for third level demons to be directly involved with humans. They were the planners and directors, not the active agents. They now have to do the bulk of the work themselves. They are individually more capable, but there are also far fewer of them. They have, and will continue to evolve new tactics and methods to try and overcome this limitation. This will mean more emphasis on false signs and wonders (miracles) and less on personal attacks and oppression. They will rely more on the use of inanimate spirits and the actions of co-opted humans to continue their opposition to God. These spirits no longer have the opportunity to repent and be redeemed. Their decisions have been made and events will now go on to their conclusion.

You are much less likely to interact with a demon, but if you do you will probably be less able to deal with it. You will need to cry out to God and/or enlist someone to whom God has given the necessary authority to deal with them. There are not very many of those at this point, so relying on God may be your only option. These remaining demons are still subject to authority, but it will almost certainly be beyond your own. This sounds like bad news, but the truth is they still lose (Rev 20:10). In the interim, both their and God’s power will be on display. This makes it even more vital that you learn how to test the spirits and learn to identify who is speaking for God and who is not.

This book may not be as relevant as it once was, but it is still good information.

Church of the Reformation Sept. 2013



Demons are real

About demons

Scripture clearly shows that demons exist and are to be taken seriously. The Bible doesn’t give us a great deal of information about them. Most of what is written concerns Jesus’ interactions with them; recorded in well over one hundred verses within the four gospels.

From these examples we learn that:

· They are real

· They are harmful

· They are subject to authority.

 Although scriptures are quoted or cited; this is not a comprehensive Bible study of the subject. It is a subject we highly recommend you study for yourself using the list of scripture references in the appendix to help you get started.

Since scripture does not give a lot of detail, or address many of the questions that naturally arise, the additional information contained in this booklet is the result of personal experience and the continuing revelation and instruction of the Holy Spirit. We do not claim to know all there is to know on this subject and we continue to learn both theory and application.

This booklet is meant as an overview of this important subject. It will give you information and instruction for use in your personal life and the lives of those you love. While the contents are true, they are often general and not always absolute. Demons and authority over them is a sometimes complex subject.

This work is intended to educate you about what demons can and cannot do, and how you can deal with them. It is not comprehensive enough to be considered instruction for conducting an involved deliverance ministry; that is, one which deals with complex situations like the kind that only come out by prayer and fasting (Matthew 17:21). This teaching is sufficient for learning how to deal with the majority of demonic problems affecting you and your family.

What they are

Angels are created spirit beings. Demons were also once holy angels that rebelled against God and His purpose. Jude refers to them as angels who did not stay within the limits of authority God gave them (Jude 1:6 NLT). They are referred to variously as evil spirits, unclean spirits, dark spirits, devils, demons, and a few other less frequent terms. All of these names refer to the same beings, former holy angels, now most frequently called demons.

There are also numerous names used in scripture specifically for Satan or the Devil. These names and source scriptures are also listed in the appendix.

The difference between spiritual and physical

Creation is both physical and spiritual (Colossians 1:16). Humans live in an overlap of these two elements and are a combination of both physical and spirit. Angels and demons are wholly spirit. Animals are wholly physical. Spirits do not die (Luke 20:36) whereas humans are physical and subject to death (Hebrews 9:27).

Where they come from

As mentioned, scripture doesn’t tell us very much about demons just bits and pieces here and there. It does say a little more about Satan, who is called the prince of demons (Luke 11:15). Much of the information about him can be extended to all demons since they are the same essence. Satan is just the chief or head demon.

The longest scriptural commentary on Satan is found in Ezekiel 28, which is a series of prophecies to Tyre. Verses 11-19 are clearly referring to Satan, with the last three verses probably referring to both Satan and the physical king of Tyre.

Ezekiel 28 from NLT

v11 Then this further message came to me from the Lord:

12 “Son of man, sing this funeral song for the king of Tyre. Give him this message from the    Sovereign Lord: “You were the model of perfection, full of wisdom and exquisite in beauty. 13 You were in Eden, the garden of God. Your clothing was adorned with every precious stone red carnelian, pale-green peridot, white moonstone,  blue-green beryl, onyx, green jasper, blue lapis lazuli, turquoise, and emerald—all beautifully crafted for you and set in the finest gold. They were given to you on the day you were created. 14 I ordained and anointed you as the mighty angelic guardian. You had access to the holy mountain of God and walked among the stones of fire. 15 “You were blameless in all you did from the day you were created until the day evil was found in you. 16 Your rich commerce led you to violence, and you sinned. So I banished you in disgrace from the mountain of God. I expelled you, O mighty guardian, from your place among the stones of fire. 17 Your heart was filled with pride because of all your beauty. Your wisdom was corrupted by your love of splendor. So I threw you to the ground and exposed you to the curious gaze of kings. 18 You defiled your sanctuaries with your many sins and your dishonest trade. So I brought fire out from within you, and it consumed you. I reduced you to ashes on the ground in the sight of all who were watching. 19 All who knew you are appalled at your fate. You have come to a terrible end, and you will exist no more.”

What happened?

Without getting into interpreting the meaning of all this, the above passage does show that Satan had a spectacular presence and high position in heaven. He was created, he became corrupted largely by pride, and he was expelled from his position. Jesus said He saw Satan fall as lightning from heaven (Luke 10:18).

The traditional belief, based on Revelation 12:4, is that Satan led a third of the angels in his rebellion against God. These angels then became demons. Scripture does not actually say this, but clearly some part of the angels followed Satan in his course of action. The details of this rebellion are unknown, but God has revealed the reason for Satan’s opposition.

God’s grand plan.

In creating human beings God’s planned to create a suitable companion for Himself. Marriage is the best representation of the relationship He desires with us. In fact, He calls marriage His most sacred creation. He created marriage before He created man, but it was created for man. Satan does not agree with this ideal. Satan believes himself to be superior to humans in every way, and he wanted this position for himself. He rebelled against God’s plan and has been actively opposing it ever since. Thus God calls him “My enemy”. The name Satan means adversary.

God’s plan opposed.

Some believe that Satan actually attempted to overthrow God and take God’s throne for himself. This is not correct. Satan just thought he had a better plan than God did and attempted to implement it. He probably believed God would recognize the brilliance of his plan after the fact, and embrace it. Satan and his followers failed in their plan because they overestimated their abilities and could not create, nor implement their intentions. They simply were not capable of accomplishing what they desired. This realization literally drove them insane. But insane or not, Satan has not stopped his opposition to God. His objective is to get God to see mankind’s continued failures as uncorrectable. Satan also does all he can to ensure that mankind fails, but his real objective is to get God to give up and start over.

Satan did initially succeeded in subverting Adam and temporarily thwarted God’s plan. He convinced Eve to believe a lie and Adam to acquiesce, and thus sin and death entered the world. When Christ came to break that link between sin and death, Satan tried once again to foil God’s plan. He tried to kill Jesus as a child, tempt him as an adult, and ultimately brought about his death which was not defeat, but victory for us all. That failure does not mean Satan or his associate demons have given up. Not at all, they continue to work very hard to cause as much harm and deception as possible. The very last thing they want is for God’s original plan to succeed. They failed and they want to make sure we fail as well.



What demons can do

Spiritual creation

Just as the physical creation consists of much more than just human beings, the spiritual is more than just angels. In the physical there are plants, animals, planets, stars, and the laws of physics. The spiritual does not have direct parallels, but does have multiple kinds of beings, spirits both conscious and unconscious, as well as spiritual laws. Specific beings mentioned in scripture are cherubim, seraphim, angels, and archangels.

The spirit that is everywhere

There are spirits, and there are spirits. We have seen that God (a spirit) created other spirits both to support His physical creation, and as part of an even bigger plan. Some of the spirits (angels) rebelled and became God’s enemies and are known as demons. These are all conscious, thinking beings which exercise choice and being. What has not been recognized it that there are other spirits as well. Spirits that do not think or plan, that are not conscious, and do not act of their own volition.

God calls this the spirit that is everywhere. It is God’s gift of His essence and being. It is of God, but it is not God. This spirit is largely love; it also includes, but is not limited to, all the other gifts of the spirit listed in Galatians 5:22. This is not a universal consciousness, or the spirit of all living things as in Star Wars “the force”. It is in a sense God’s spirit, but it has no volition or consciousness. It is defiantly not the Holy Spirit who is conscious and is God.

This part of creation was distorted or twisted by Satan’s rebellion so that portions of this spirit are the opposite of what they were before. Instead of love there is hate, in place of joy – anguish, instead of peace – dissension, and so forth. These negative spirits too have no consciousness or volition, but are used by demons to influence us. These spirits can also be directed or aimed at us, that is what we mean by oppression.

More than one affect

Demons have a great ability to influence attitudes and emotions using negative forms of the spirit that is everywhere. This takes the form of a broad general influence on whole populations or societies. A more specific and targeted influence directed toward individuals is called oppression, and includes outright attacks aimed at inflicting specific harm. Far less common is the actual partial control of a person, commonly called possession. The boundaries between all of these types of activity is not distinct, nevertheless we can discuss them separately.

Demons influence everyone

In Ephesians 2:2 Satan is called the prince of the power of the air. Although Satan is called the prince or chief, all the lesser demons can also use this power of negative spirits. It is a generalized spiritual influence – like a constant background noise that is always there – but not at a conscious level. It is a “broadcast” of attitudes and emotions, almost uniformly negative, that we cannot turn off.

The basic message broadcast by this power is a reflection of Satan’s own feelings of resentment, rebellion, pride, and anger, but it is certainly not limited to those alone. These broad messages are directed at everyone, everywhere, not at specific individuals. People can resist this to a limited extent, but few realize it is even occurring so they don’t even try to resist. Those who do resist generally do so at a subconscious level.

Truly effective resistance requires recognition, and opposition, and ultimately the Holy Spirit. But even true religion does not grant immunity. The messages are relentless and bound to have some effect. As the influence of Christianity, which was the only significant opposition to these influences, has declined, the cumulative effect of this demonic influence has brought us to the current state of moral decay and societal breakdown nearly everyone can recognize.

As the voices lifted against abortion, gay marriage, divorce, sexual immorality, general dishonesty and moral decline grow weaker, the acceptance of all these things grows stronger. We see overflowing prisons, gangs, drugs, out of wedlock births, violence, theft, and a fracturing society all around us. Meanwhile, institutional opposition to Christianity is nearly everywhere. Those institutions degrading Christianity simultaneously encourage nearly every other behavior and belief. All of this showcases the decline of values. Most people can see things are not going in the right direction but don’t know why. It is the cumulative effect of relentless demonic effort to promote their agenda which is to oppose everything God is doing..

The god of this world

Satan is also called the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4). As that god for the most part he does not try to get us to worship him directly, preferring to remain in the background. There are some who claim to worship Satan, and even a few who actually do, but mostly he offers many, many other gods for us to worship.

In the west, and particularly the United States, this may be the god of fame, or the god of wealth, or the god of power, or the god of self, as well as many, many others. Satan loves to promote the idea that we are the center of the universe, our very own gods, deserving of worship, even to the extent of worshiping ourselves.

This self worship can be exhibited by the attitudes of rebellion, superiority, pride, self importance, chip on the shoulder, and so forth. We say or think to ourselves “nobody is going to tell me what to do”, “if it feels good do it”, “I am a victim – all my problems are somebody else’s fault”, “I owe it to myself”, “I deserve it”, “I know I’m right – why can’t you see it” and a great offense is to be “disrespected”. All of these attitudes and many more are extensively promoted by all elements of our society – especially the entertainment industry, but also the media, government, business, education, and even religion.

Jesus called the Pharisees, the super religionists of that day, children of the devil because they were following him and his ideals (John 8:44); not God’s. Satan is our god and we pay homage to his ideals without even realizing it.

Institutional influences

The entertainment industry is the most visible advocate of negative values, which is demonstrated by their persistent and increasingly blatant anti-authority, anti-marriage, anti-family, anti-God, anti-Christian, messages. They actively promote promiscuity, violence as a solution, revenge, the gay lifestyle, disrespect of nearly everything and everyone, and humor based on hurt. They offer virtually nothing positive or uplifting. Is it any wonder our society is breaking down under this constant barrage? And the demons rejoice! They certainly appear to be winning. Ask yourself; is there anything good or wholesome in movies, music, TV, video games or the internet? Truly, there is very, very little. If you turned all of these off you would greatly reduce the negative spiritual influences in your life and in the lives of your children. But there are still many other influences.

The news media is so busy pushing an agenda or marketing themselves that they don’t even pretend to be objective or comprehensive anymore. The news has become mostly entertainment and opinion, with appearance being more important than substance. Any truth reported is often more accidental than intentional.

Businesses grow bigger and more concentrated and far more interested in executive compensation and their bottom line than any benefit to their customers. They look to the government to protect them from competition and even to rescue them from it, and don’t concern themselves with supplying quality products at reasonable prices. They hire lobbyists to protect themselves from the consequences of shoddy, even unsafe, products, and they want immunity from any threat of competition, tax breaks, government subsidies, and bailouts if needed. And they are perfectly willing to pay politicians to get what they want, and the bigger the company the bigger influence they can buy. The unholy alliance between big government and big business grows stronger every day, and the chief motivator is greed.

The politicians, who are far more concerned with reelection than serving the people, are blatantly for sale. They are out for themselves and their friends and don’t even pretend not to be corrupt anymore. Meanwhile bureaucrats over regulate everything and build their pointless empires as they remove our last freedom of choice. Does anyone consider the common citizen; does anyone remember the meaning of public servant?

Educational institutions seem more interested in promoting a political/social agenda than in educating students. Teachers unions feel incompetent teachers are fine as long as there are a lot of them. How can the USA spend twice as much money on each student as any other nation and yet produce such abominable results? US test scores consistently rank at or near the bottom among industrialized nations. Our schools not only fail to teach positive values, they fail to teach much at all.

Meanwhile, many churches preach a social gospel, or a prosperity gospel, or any gospel other than the true one. The only difference between the attitudes and behavior of Christians and everyone else is the name they identify with. No wonder Christianity is no longer respected and no longer an influence for good.

It’s all about me

Everyone has become a special interest; no one cares about the whole. Everywhere there is polarization, conflict, and self interest above all else. It’s all about me, my race, my religion, my business, my party, my team, my school, my government benefit – me, me, me. Everyone does what is right in their own eyes (Judges 17:6) and everyone suffers for it.

The cumulative affect of thousands of years of demonic influence has brought us to this point and almost no one recognizes it or opposes it. The world is losing this battle, but you don’t have to. We live in a world enslaved by sin, but there is a way out from under the consequences of sin and all those negative influences that we cannot totally avoid. God will win the final victory, but in the meantime we need to learn more about the enemy.

Demonic oppression

Beyond the broad general influence on everyone which uses the inanimate spirits, demons can get more personal. They will usually concentrate on just one of the available attitudes and emotions and direct it at a particular individual. It is like you have a demon riding around on your shoulders feeding you an attitude.

This is called demonic oppression and is far more common than people think. As an example; one of the most common manifestations of oppression is depression. Although depression is a natural emotion – appropriate in some circumstances – long term, deep, dark depression is not normal and is almost always the result of a demons direct attention.

Other forms of oppression might be worry, jealously, anger, resentment, confusion or even physical pain. Any long term negative emotion which seems like a great weight that you carry around and cannot seem to get rid of, or even physical ailments which cannot be explained, may be the result of oppression. By no means are demons the only explanation, but they are much more involved than people realize.

Some other emotions demons might use are; agitation, anxiety, bitterness, contempt, defeat, despair, disappointment, disgust, doubt, embarrassment, envy, fear, frustration, gloom, grief, grumpiness, guilt, helplessness, hopelessness, hostility, humiliation, hurt, insecurity, insult, irritation, isolation, loneliness, powerlessness, regret, rejection, remorse, sadness, scorn, shame, sorrow, stress, suffering, tension, torment, and vengefulness. Are any of these seriously influencing your life or anyone you know?

We do not know how demons pick their targets. It is probably partly random, partly that they can identify weaknesses just like wolves attacking the weakest member of the herd. They may just try to influence a person, and if it’s working they keep going. This type of oppression can last for a long time; years in many cases. If demonic, these oppressions can be broken by getting rid of the spirits involved. If partly or fully physical, there is the gift of healing, but that is another subject.

Far too often the demonic component is not recognized, and even if it is, not dealt with properly. Authority must be exercised, but it may be beyond the capability of the victim to identify or understand the source or act to remove it.

Demonic oppression is akin to a demon being “on” you as opposed to “in” you. Recognizing that it is oppression is a big step toward getting rid of it.

Another demonic trick

Strangely, demons can also use positive emotions. For instance, they might take the form of a “religious experience” or in new age terms “enlightenment”. These can be very powerful emotionally and feel very good and very wonderful, but they are false and do not last. Be aware that demons can do this and compare it with what scripture tells us about how God interacts with us. A false religious experience does not last whereas anything done by God does. There is peace which passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7) which truly is of God. Satan cannot duplicate this.

Demonic attacks

The fiery darts (flaming arrows) of Ephesians 6:16 refer to the direct attacks demons make on us. The arrows they use are lies which, if we believe them, cause great harm to ourselves and others. It is against this attack that the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6:11-17) is designed to protect. Once the arrow strikes, damage has been done. Even after the arrow is pulled out (the lie exposed), healing must take place.

The lies may be about God, ourselves, or others and are primarily intended to harm and, if possible, destroy relationships; our relationship with God, with our families, with society, and even with ourselves.

One very common lie is “God would never forgive that”. That is a lie. There is only one thing God will not forgive (Matthew 12:31-32, Hebrews 6:4-6), and if you are concerned about it you have not committed it. The unpardonable sin is a conscious, determined choice to reject salvation after you have received it and is exceedingly rare.

We speak of God as our Father, but use this as a title and not a relationship. He is our Father and wants to be our friend. When we don’t believe this, we accept a lie about God’s nature. There are many such lies about God, and they are some of the most common arrows in the enemies quiver.

Another common attack is with the “I” arrow. This is quite harmful in damaging our relationship with others, for it is I, me, self that is the most important person and center of the universe. That this is also a prevalent theme of generalized influence which only makes it more effective in harming relationships. Jealousy or envy of a particular person can be an arrow.

There are many lies we can believe about ourselves. “I am a failure”, “I am not worthy”. “I would be better off dead” or “it would be better if I had never been born” Satan even had Job saying that (Job 3:3).

The problem is that some of the statements may contain an element of truth. A small truth, taken out of the context of a larger lie, can make the lie appear to be entirely true. This is why it is so important that we learn to discern the lies and recognize the truth.

Satan is the father of lies (John 8:44) and a liar from the beginning (Genesis 3). He is a master in the use of this weapon. Put on the whole armor of God and keep it on to defend yourself from all the fiery arrows he shoots at you. Do not believe a lie, seek the truth always.

Demonic possession

Possession involves demonic forces actually appearing to occupy, and to some extent, control a person. Possession probably isn’t the best term – demonizing might be better – but the common reference is possession and that is what we will use here. Possession certainly does not mean they “own” you. Nor do they operate you like a robot. They can convince you to do something, but they cannot make you do it. If well entrenched, an observer can’t tell the difference between being controlled by influence and outright forced control, but there is a difference.

One thing they can do is affect your memory. They may get you to do things and not remember them or to believe you have done things you have not. This is one way they can manipulate a person to believe they are better, or worse, than they really are. This goes beyond influence, oppression, or attacks. Let’s also make clear that actual possession is not common. It certainly does occur, but is relatively rare.

Possession requires permission. It is not common for a person to knowingly seek demonic contact, so voluntary possession in that way is very unusual, even among the rarity of possession. Mostly, spirits gain permission to use, or occupy, a person by subterfuge or trickery. This may begin with experimenting with the occult, engaging with “friendly” ghosts or just reading or watching too many horror stories. The victim allows them access because they offer something that person wants. It could be spiritual abilities or understanding, wealth, power, sex – whatever that person desires. It will be offered like bait which hides the hook. In seeking the reward the hook is set and the person has given permission to the demon(s) unaware of the cost. The true cost is, of course, carefully concealed from the intended victim. The demon will usually give the person some of what they want, especially at the beginning. But never forget that these dark spirits, demons, fallen angels, or evil spirits (all the same thing) hate humans, generally want us dead, and have absolutely no mercy or compassion.

A possessed person is not under “control” all the time. The amount of control is dependent on the number, strength, and nature of the spirits involved. Some demons are worse than others. True possession almost always involves multiple entities.

Once given, this permission cannot be rescinded except by a superior authority. The person who has granted it cannot “change their mind”. It does not work that way. To rid a person of these spirits requires greater authority, and most importantly, the desire of the person possessed to have the demons gone. If they continue to give the demons permission to stay (because they want what the demon gives them, or because they don’t recognize what is going on), then the spirits will quickly return if expelled. The specifics of how a possessed person can be communicated with or express a desire to rid themselves of their oppressors is beyond the scope of this writing and is the domain of legitimate deliverance ministry exercising proper authority. Suffice it to say, it is possible; and the human at the core can be communicated with, no matter what the demons desire.

Possession isn’t easy.

Let’s not make this sound worse than it is. Humans have a natural immunity to demonic possession. It is like your skin which protects you from disease organisms that have to get inside to do any harm. If the skin is broken then entry is much easier. Likewise, demons cannot just enter into you. They have to find a way in through your “skin”. They do this through seduction, trickery, false spirituality, or some form of bribery. Most people will subconsciously or consciously recognize and reject these attempts. For instance, almost everyone will turn away from the occult because they see it as wrong, or dangerous, or evil, or in some sense “off”. Many experiment with Ouija Boards – once. That scare is part of your natural defense that demons cannot normally overcome. If they cannot intrigue you, or fascinate you, or somehow get you involved in dark spirituality they cannot penetrate your “skin”.

A common weakness in your spiritual skin is to believe a lie. This is far from allowing an unclean spirit in, but it does present a point of attack to begin an infection which could grow and becomes harder and harder to remove. Ultimately, a demon might be able to exploit this, but as long term oppression not possession. Truth is the antibody which prevents even a sore spot from developing. It is not easy for a demon to actually get “into” a person. This is why actual possession is rare and not something you need to worry about.

Manifestations of possession are frequently seen as extreme mental illness; what we would normally recognize as a truly “crazy person”, with bizarre, self destructive, and anti social behavior. In some cases the demons are entirely responsible for this behavior, but often there is a true underlying mental illness not caused by the demons, but exacerbated by them. These people are frequently locked up and it is unlikely you meet very many in your entire life. If you do, caution is advised. You may have some control over the demon, but not over the human who may still be dangerous. You should not get involved unless absolutely necessary.

Can Christians be possessed?

Short answer; yes. The reason for thinking otherwise is a common belief that good and evil spirits cannot coexist. They can. Consider Moses and the magicians in pharaoh’s court (Exodus 7 & 8). Two different spirits in the same place at the same time performing the same miracles.

Satan also appears before God’s throne without ill effect (Job 1 & 2). A demon and the Holy Spirit in the same body might not be comfortable for either, but it is possible. Holy Spirit will not remove the demon if it has permission to be there.


This is a peculiar process of a person (seeder) placing an inanimate spirit within a person, generally without their permission or even knowledge. This spirit is not a demon, it is more like a plant that is intended to grow into a form of permanent oppression. Plants do not think or plan but they can have negative and harmful effects just like weeds.

Seeding is a deliberate act, and is usually accomplished by placing the fingers together and touching the top of the head, or touching the forehead with the palm of the hand. Most, if not all, seeders are possessed, thus this is not a common problem. However, if anyone ever did this to you, you may need to address the results and the cause.

Demons and animals

Demons can occupy animals, although this is a definite second choice for them. They cannot directly control an animal anymore than they can a human. Their influence is far more limited, but still there. For instance, a demon can influence viciousness in an animal, but cannot force them to attack anyone. In the famous example of the Gadarenes demoniacs (Matthew 8:28-34) the swine reacted to the presence of the demons, the demons did not make them destroy themselves.


Demons have great influence and are far more involved in human activities than most suppose, but they have far less power to act than many people fear. They cannot physically harm you without specific permission (Job 2:6), and they are subject to God’s authority without exception. Nevertheless, through their ceaseless activities using inanimate spirits and acting as individuals, they cause much harm and will cause much more in the future. Knowledge is a powerful tool for resisting the devil.



Demons are subject to authority

Authority over demons

Spiritual authority is a very complex subject, and the discussion here is mostly concerned with authority over demons. There is more than one type of spiritual authority. We will discuss three of these; inherit or natural authority, assumed authority, and absolute or granted authority.

Natural authority

Natural or inherit authority is automatically granted with an office or position. Parents have authority over their children, husbands have authority over their wives, Jesus has authority over husbands and the church, and all Christian ministers have authority even if they do not recognize it or understand how to use it. They have authority over demons, but many do not understand the limits and practical utilization of this authority. For instance, their authority only extends to members of their flock or those who place themselves under their authority (ask for help). It does not extend to all demons everywhere.

Natural authority also applies to the individual Christian, and even non Christians to some extent. You have authority over your own mind, and the ability to reject the voices or thoughts that demons advance, and some authority over the negative social influences of demon inspired unanimated spirits. In other words, you have the right or authority to say “no”. Parents also have this authority for their minor children.

You also have authority over your property. Some demons are territorial and may be “left over” from previous occupants, or they may have been in a particular location for centuries. These can be difficult to remove. They are very reluctant to leave, but you do have the authority. Be persistent if not immediately successful. This authority applies to both husbands and wives, and to rented and owned property.

Natural authority means you have the right, inherit to yourself, to command demons in the circumstances shown above. This does not require you to use Christ’s authority (name). There is a difference between His absolute authority and yours, but when appropriate, yours is sufficient.

Two kinds of spirit

Most who recognize the reality of demons do not understand the difference between a functional spirit and an individual spirit. Functional spirits are not discrete, specific, individual demonic beings. A functional spirit is a demonic specialty practiced by many individual demons. It is like a guild, professional association, or union; a group of individual beings with similar abilities and goals. For example, a spirit of depression is not a specific being (individual demon), but a demonic specialty practiced by many individual beings.

Individual demons do have personal names, but you do not need to be concerned with this. You do not need to know their name to exercise authority over them. A functional name is helpful and this function can be named and cast off without knowing the demons personal name.

The more accurately you can identify the function, or effect of the demon’s activity, the easier it is to deal with them, and you are much more likely to accomplish a lasting solution. If you misidentify the effect or function it does no harm, but demons take what you say literally and will use any inaccuracy to avoid obeying your command if they can. Think about exactly what the demon is doing and be as specific as possible. We provide some examples later in this book.

Demons want you to believe you have no authority, that your efforts did not work, and the situation is hopeless. They make use of this functional spirit by making people think they have failed to remove a demon when, in fact, they have successfully “cast off” a specific being, only to have it replaced by another individual of the same (functional) spirit. You may have to do this several times before they give up. Understanding and wording do make a difference in effectively dealing with demons.

Use your authority

There is no reason not to use your authority, even if you just suspect demonic involvement. If there was no demon you have done no harm, and if there was you have improved your situation. As a Christian you have the right to use the authority God has given you over demons. But natural authority is limited. It does not mean you can walk down the street randomly casting out demons. It probably won’t work, and you will attract undesirable attention to yourself from both men and evil spirits. There are two other types of authority we will now discuss.

Assumed authority

This is difficult to explain, but the essential idea is that if you believe you can, you can. If you think you do, you do. You should always do this with God’s concurrence and it will often be at His suggestion. This is a matter of faith. If you don’t feel you need to go here, then don’t.

Briefly, this type of authority has broader application than inherit authority. A common application might involve family members or close friends over whom you do not have natural authority. It does not extend to all spirits and all situations and can get you into trouble if you overreach (Acts 19:13-16). It should defiantly be used in conjunction with Christ’s authority until you get some experience and have had past success.

Granted, explicit, or absolute authority

This is the authority of Jesus. It applies to any spirit, anywhere, any time. This is also the authority you invoke when you say “in Jesus’ name”. However, there are conditions, “rules”, and protocols you may not be aware of which can result in unexpected or inconclusive results, especially if you are operating outside of your inherit or assumed authority. God also sometimes uses demons to His own purposes, even Satan (Job 1 & 2). You must be aware of this, and consider it, if you are ever to exercise this kind of authority.

God does give this kind of authority to a few, but it is an explicit gift. It is very unwise and possibly dangerous to try and use this type of authority unless you are absolutely sure you know what you are doing. This is because you don’t know the enemy well enough, which will likely lead to a lack of success, frustration, discouragement, and can even make the situation worse. When this type of authority is needed, the demons tend to be smarter, meaner, and sneakier. So it is best just to avoid this type of involvement and seek competent help. If you are forced to act, pray for help and rely solely on Christ’s authority, not your own.

Demons don’t want you to know this

Demons try very hard to make you believe you have no power over them. They are very good loophole lawyers, try to apply what you say literally to escape intent, and love to replace one demon with another using the same name or function. If you are unaware of their tactics you may be fooled into thinking you have failed when you have not. Demons can be subtle and tricky and obstinate, but they are subject to authority. There are conditions and limitations you need to understand, but if you are operating within your authority they must obey.

Deliverance ministries

Deliverance ministries which identify themselves as such are generally charismatic, and do understand that demons exist, are harmful, and subject to authority. Beyond this there is a wide variety of application and understanding. Satan manages to blunt many of their efforts with misunderstanding and various combinations of truth and error.

Perhaps their biggest error is to confuse the results of sin with that of demons. This can be very confusing because there is often a mixture of the two and separating them can be difficult. Unfortunately these ministries often don’t even try, assigning everything to demonic influence when the greater problem is sin.

These ministries often emphasize the rights of demons. This involves trying to determine every clause of their contract against you, and then exposing and overturning them one by one. This takes a great deal of time and is totally unnecessary. Demons have no rights against you at all unless you, or someone with the authority to do so, gives it to them. And even if they did have a right; they are subject to authority, not argument and judicial review. There is one narrow exception to this when a child has been dedicated to demons by their parent through witchcraft or the occult. In this case demons do have a “right” which can only be overturned by a superior authority.

Sometimes these ministries place a great emphasis on the organization of demons. They usually see this as a military type structure, with strict lines of authority and ranks. This is largely incorrect. Scripture says very little about angel/demonic organization, but God does say spiritual organization is much more relational and dynamic than static and hierarchical.

Some also maintain elaborate databases of the names of demons. This is totally unnecessary and just a great time waster. You do not need to know their name to command them. Demons do have personal names, but are usually known by what they do or by their effect. Naming them in this way is helpful, i.e. “demon of depression depart” etc. But even that is not absolutely necessary.

True deliverance

True deliverance is the exercise of authority over current demonic activity i.e. “casting them off or out”. It may also include the exposure of the effects of any past activity and dealing with the consequences, but mostly these consequences have more to do with sin than demons. Another important function is to educate people about this subject. This includes imparting an understanding of the nature of spirits and how to deal with them.

Sin is not demons

Sin is your choice – not theirs. If you have problems with sin – repent. Jesus is your deliverance from that, not casting off of demons. Ending the sin will usually get rid of any associated demons; they won’t have any reason to stay. Not even a possessed person can be forced to sin. Nagged into it, talked into it, convinced to do it, but not made to do it; sin is a choice. There are lots of reasons to sin, but demons are not the primary reason. “The devil made me do it” is not a valid defense in God’s court.



Devices of demons

Tools of the devil – the big three

Satan and his followers have many tools of deception, but there are three they use a lot; probably more than all others combined. These three are fear, doubt, and unbelief.


Demons want you to be afraid of them. They will give you bad dreams. They will emphasize all your tiny dreads and make them large. They will do everything in their power to make you afraid with whatever hook of fear they can mange to get in you. Demons are actually pretty limited, but they are very good at feeding fear. Most of all they want you to fear them, and what they supposedly can do to you. Mostly they can’t do it, but they want you to believe they can.

Just remember – perfect love (God) casts out all fear. (1 John 4:18) After all, if you are a Christian, then Christ is in you, and I guarantee the demons are afraid of Him! So don’t fear them, and don’t fear anything they throw in your path. In matters of fear they are running a big bluff. Don’t buy it. They are subject to authority, rebuke the spirit of fear.

The great counter to fear is love.


Their second major tool is doubt. That little voice or thought that says: “None of this is real”. “God doesn’t love you, you aren’t worthy”. “You don’t have the faith to be healed”. “God could never forgive that”. God didn’t really mean it when He said “…” etc. etc. etc. They especially want you doubt that you have any power over them; don’t believe it! There are a thousand lies and they only need you to believe one. The spirit of doubt is pernicious, which means; causing great harm; destructive.

The Bible is full of God’s promises, and every one is true. Believe in them, not the words of the enemy. Whenever you recognize a spirit of doubt, cast it off like any other by using your authority or the name and authority of Jesus.

The great counter to doubt is faith.

Non existence

The last main demonic tool is to maintain the belief that they do not exist. To remain unrecognized, apparently silent, and invisible, is a great and largely successful tactic of the dark spirits. Among non Christians this is one of Satan’s greatest successes. Even among many Christians there is insufficient recognition of the reality, and the prevalence of demons, our spiritual enemies (1Peter 5:8). God may be real, but they believe Satan, demons, and evil are just figures, not actual beings with real influence.

Demons have convinced many that they do not exist. And since they do not exist, we need not concern ourselves with their devices, tactics, or goals.

They have many believing that we are too sophisticated, too educated, and too enlightened, to believe in primitive superstitions. We say to ourselves; of course there is no devil, no demons, no fallen angels, no spirits at all; what foolishness!

What foolishness indeed.

The great counter to this kind of unbelief is discernment, one of the gifts of the Spirit.

Other lies demons would like you to believe

There are a thousand lies Satan uses against us, but they can be categorized; and many are variations on a theme. We will discuss three categories; intellectual lies, emotional lies, and spiritual lies.

Intellectual lies are usually an appeal to pride along the lines of; you are smarter than that. Typical ones are; there is no God. There are many paths to God. We can’t know if God exists or not. Religion is for social engineering, it has nothing to do with God. The existence of evil proves there is no God. There are no absolutes. Truth is what we decide it is. There are many more, but one thing to remember is that Satan is smarter than you are. No matter your brilliance or your IQ, Satan is smarter and his IQ higher. In any intellectual argument with Satan you will lose.

Emotional lies are also very common; often accepted in childhood and never exposed. Two principal ones, with many variations, are ‘not worthy’, and ‘pointless’. Specifically these could be; I am not good enough. I am not loveable. I am worthless. No matter how hard I try I will only fail. Life is meaningless. I have no reason for living. No one loves me. I cannot succeed. Nothing will turn out right. I am a failure. There are many more and they are all lies.

Spiritual lies are often an appeal to your “specialness” or over emphasis on a particular doctrine. The first and biggest lie is “you will not surely die” (Genesis 3:4). This lie distorts the understanding of heaven, hell, and God’s plan. It has been a very successful lie from Satan’s point of view. Some others; you must do this … to be accepted by God. Grace is sufficient; I can do (live) however I like. Christians don’t suffer. This special knowledge or these special practices will keep me safe. The Bible doesn’t mean what it says. You can ignore parts of the Bible. Faith without works is fine. And many, many more.

Some of the things demons can and cannot do

They cannot manifest (appear) as humans. Angels can, and often do, but be assured that demons cannot do this.

They can manifest as angels. Satan himself appears as an angel of light (2Corinthians 11:14). Not many can see angels so this may not apply to you, but be aware of this if you can or do in the future.

They can manifest as animals, spirits, or monsters.  Usually menacing, but can also be as a ‘friendly’ ghost.

They can affect mechanisms, especially electronics. They are also attracted to high voltage electric lines.

Neither they nor angels can create life. This is an absolute statement by God.

They cannot resurrect anything (but can appear to). They do this by making someone appear to be dead – cold, undetectable pulse and breathing, but would not pass a through medical examination.

They cannot heal (but can appear to). They can cause real symptoms then remove them.

They will not say “Jesus is my Lord”, BUT a human influenced by them can and will. They can say “Jesus is Lord” in some circumstances, but not that He is their Lord.

They can quote scripture and use it accurately. Never think otherwise. If you don’t you can be deceived when they begin to modify and twist actual scriptures.

They can use the name of Jesus, sound very religious, and even preach truth for a time.

They can perform supernatural acts (miracles).

They can coexist with Holy Angels and even Holy Spirit.   This is a common misconception among some. ‘If it’s spiritual it must be God.’

They cannot win, but they will not quit trying.

They must obey the authority of Jesus or anyone else with authority.



More information about demons

Demons and physical illness

Demons are never the direct cause of a real disease or illness. They may be an indirect factor through their influence on society to create the conditions and practices that cause sickness to be more common and easier to spread, but they cannot directly cause it.

They do, however, often take advantage of an illness by increasing the suffering associated with a natural illness. Seen in the spirit, they look like black leaches hanging off a person. They are there to feed off the suffering – it is like a drug to them, and they are addicted, so they work tirelessly to increase their supply. They are especially fond of cancer and mental illness because of the great potential for long term suffering.

They can attach themselves to anyone, Christian or not, and spiritual condition is immaterial. This is not possession. These clinging demons are not even particularly trying to influence you; they are just enjoying the suffering they can increase. The good news is they are easy to get rid of. If you even suspect such a thing is going on – command them to leave by using the name and authority of Jesus Christ

Demons and healing

Demons can mimic the symptoms of disease. The pain is real, the symptoms appear to be real although medical tests could show that they are not medically real. In some cases they can even affect test results, but not the reality. More often tests will result in a ‘we couldn’t find anything’ diagnosis. Why would demons do this? One is that they are evil and this is what they do. And the second is to lead people away from discerning the true gospel, and recognizing the reality of true healing.

Demons are frequently involved with false “healing ministries” allowing apparent healings to be performed. By evidencing the symptoms, and then removing them, they can display a really convincing imitation of a genuine healing. This is how some spectacular miracles can appear to occur at these false healing revivals and “signs and wonders” events. It is even possible for them to cause people to appear to be dead so that they can be “resurrected”.

God can truly perform these miracles, demons cannot, but they can convince the unquestioning and undiscerning otherwise. Unfortunately for the victim, their respite will be short lived. The demon will be unwilling to give up its “possession” for long and the victim will soon be no better off than before. God says there is going to be a lot more of this type of thing in the coming years. Be aware and be vigilant.

True physical healing

When God heals it often takes place over time. The difference is that God’s healing is permanent. He never takes back a healing. When God’s healing is instantaneous it is almost always the removal of a demon. Physical healing usually takes place over time for reasons beyond the scope of this writing.

This brief discussion of physical healing is included because these two types of healing are often seen together. The consequences of a physical healing however, do not immediately disappear. For instance, healing a mental illness does not remove the thinking patterns associated with it, they must be unlearned. If everything disappears at once it was probably a demon manifesting an illness that was cast out, not a true physical healing. However, this type of healing is also permanent.

The “consequences of healing” means that although the problem is gone the effects are not. If you could not do something before, you will have to learn how to do it. If a muscle was weak it needs to be strengthened. Old patterns of thought and old habits may have to be unlearned and new ones developed. If development was retarded you have to catch up. If drugs were involved there may be after effects from stopping their use. In other words, God is not a genie – healing is a process. It may take several years to achieve normalcy, especially with mental illness. God could heal anything instantly, but He usually doesn’t because of the aftereffects.

Demons and mental illness

The root of most mental illness is physical. There are actual physical defects in the brain or brain chemistry. Demons love to get involved because of the great potential for increasing suffering, and the lower resistance of the mentally ill to their efforts. When these people say they are hearing voices, they are frequently telling the truth. Unfortunately the voices are often demonic. One predominate characteristic of the mentally ill is that they frequently “go off their meds”. This is largely because drugs somehow interfere with the demons ability to influence their victim. Thus the demons try very hard to convince the ill to stop taking their medications, and they frequently succeed. Otherwise, the demons themselves are no more difficult to deal with than any others, but there is the complication of an actual illness. Further, the victim is often less able to deal with the consequences of demonic activity, or meet the requirements to keep them from returning.

Demons and “manifestations of the spirit”

Within the charismatic movement there is an increasing acceptance and even seeking of “spiritual manifestations” such as “being drunk in the spirit”, making animal sounds, and other peculiar behavior. There are identifiable characteristics exhibited in head movements, writhing on the floor, rapid head shaking, twitching, and other manifestations which appear exactly like new age, or far eastern practices. They appear the same because they are the same spirits at work. This is not of God! You do not want to get involved either by personally participating or attempting to deal with the demons themselves. This is the territory of explicit authority. Do not get involved without God’s clear instruction to do so.

These people turn off their discernment and accept any spirit as being from God. God expressly commands that we try or test the spirits (1John 4:1), but this is not taught or exercised in the churches involved in this movement. Holy Spirit once said to me “I do not cause people to bark like dogs, cluck like chickens, hiss like snakes, or act like drunks, and I am insulted that you think I would.”

Personally, I think insulting the Holy Spirit is a bad idea.

Demons and suicide

Demons are almost always involved in thoughts of suicide, or self murder, as God calls it. That urge, that thought, that little voice is demonic. Don’t believe what they say; it is a lie. No one will be better off if you are dead. If you know someone who is suicidal rebuke the demon before you do the other things you should do. If there is no demon involved, you have done no harm. If there is, perhaps you will save a life.

Suicide never solves a problem. It only postpones dealing with it and actually makes it worse and harder to solve.

How demons are organized

Again, scripture does not tell us very much about demonic organization. Still people are curious and we can make a few observations and God has given us some information. There are three classes or levels of demons, in other words a chain of command, or levels of authority. There are also three ranks within each level. We label these as level one, two, and three, and the ranks within these levels likewise; one. Two, and three. Thus the lowest level is one – one, the highest three – three.

We also know there are functional spirits and that demons tend to specialize. There is also geographic organization. Beyond this we don’t know much.

God has said that spiritual organization is more relational and dynamic than structured and static. Presumably this applies to both angels and demons. When dealing with demons at the personal level how demons are organized really doesn’t matter. They are always subject to authority. On a larger scale it may matter, but this is outside of most people’s responsibility.



Dealing with demons

You do not need to know their name

By now you hopefully know more about your advisory than you did before. All demons are subject to authority, but they try very hard to make you fear to try, doubt that you can, and keep you in ignorance of the rules. They use all kinds of tricks and evasions to make it appear you are ineffective and impotent. Yet in the end they have to obey. This is a spiritual law. I don’t understand why it is so, but it is.

Demons, just like people, come in many varieties. Some are more capable than others, some are silly, some are vicious, and some are very, very good at what they do. All of them are genuinely insane, and none of them care about you whatsoever. They wish you only harm and preferably dead. They are your enemy as well as God’s.

Do not argue with them. Do not get into discussions with them. Do not talk to them at all. Simply command them. You do not need to know their name. You do not need to perform elaborate rituals. You just need to command them. If you do this you can avoid many of the tricks and subterfuges they use.

Curses and rights of demons

A curse is the negative use of authority. So in order to be under a curse someone had to enact it, and they had to have the authority to do so. The most likely occurrence of this happening is a child who grew up in a home where witchcraft or the occult were practiced. Children can be dedicated to God (1 Samuel 1:11), or to demons (Leviticus 20:2-5). Parents have the right to do this and it can be real.

These demon dedicated or cursed children, even as adults, and even if they do not practice witchcraft themselves, cannot over come this. It is one of the few circumstances where demons do have a right to oppress or posses. Only absolute authority can break this.

Unless these adults in turn dedicate their own children the effects will fade away in two or three generations.


Demons can be bound, which is a temporary restraining. Typically this lasts a couple of week in the physical and prevents the demon from further activity for that period of time. Binding is not permanent and demons will typically try a couple of times to reclaim “their” prior position. Be prepared for this.


Demons can also be banished which means they are prohibited from returning to bother that person. This cannot be done with natural authority, it requires more.

Restrained or reserved for judgment

This is permanent restraint in the pit, or at least until the events recorded in Revelation 20. It takes specific permission to put a demon in restraint and this is reserved for the worst of the worst. Many demons were put here after the rebellion and will be released only at the end, if at all. In the end all demons will be judged and punished. All their influence, oppression, and possession will be forever ended.

Demons can be destroyed

Very few realize this is possible, but see Mark 1:24 and Luke 4:34. Destroy is not a euphemism for something else, it means destroy as in exist no more. God loves all His children, including fallen ones, and He does not encourage this action, it is very serious. However, it can and has been done. Very, very few people have the authority to do this and those who do exercise it carefully.

Resist the Devil

The spirit world does exist, and much of it is not benign. Satan is the (present) god of this world. He is evil. He is your enemy. He wants nothing good for you whatsoever; no matter his promises. He is both more powerful and far less powerful than you know. He principally relies on lies and deception not force, but this does not mean he is not dangerous. His days are numbered, and he knows this very well, which makes him only angrier, more active, and more dangerous.

Know your enemy. Know his tactics, and his tools, and his weaknesses. He can be beaten, he has been beaten, but before his final end he will cause a lot of trouble. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.




Scripture references for Satan and demons. Do not consider this as exhaustive, but a good place to start your own study.

Names for Satan

Abaddon, Rev 9:11: Accuser of our Brethren, Rev 12:10: Adversary, 1Pe 5:8: Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Rev 9:11: Apollyon, Rev 9:11: Beelzebub, Mat 12:24; Mar 3:22; Luk 11:15: Belial, 2Co 6:15: The Devil, Mat 4:1; Luk 4:2; Luk 4:6; Rev 20:2: Enemy, Mat 13:39: Evil Spirit, 1Sa 16:14: Father of Lies, Joh 8:44: Gates of Hell, Mat 16:18: Great Red Dragon, Rev 12:3: Liar Joh 8:44: Lying Spirit, 1Ki 22:22: Murderer, Joh 8:44: Old Serpent, Rev 12:9; Rev 20:2: Power of Darkness, Col 1:13: Prince of this World, Joh 12:31; Joh 14:30; Joh 16:11: Prince of Devils, Mat 12:24: Prince of the Power of the Air, Eph 2:2: Ruler of the Darkness of this World, Eph 6:12: Satan, 1Ch 21:1; Job 1:6; Joh 13:27; Act 5:3; Act 26:18; Rom 16:20: Serpent, Gen 3:4; Gen 3:14; 2Co 11:3: Spirit that Works in the Children of Disobedience, Eph 2:2: Tempter, Mat 4:3; 1Th 3:5: The God of this World, 2Co 4:4: Unclean Spirit, Mat 12:43: Wicked One, Mat 13:19; Mat 13:38

Jesus and demons

Mat 4:1-11, Mat 4:24, Mat 7:22, Mat 8:16, Mat 8:28-34, Mat 9:32-34, Mat 10:8, Mat 12:22-28, Mat 12:43-45, Mat 15:22-28, Mat 17:14-21, Mar 1:21-27, Mar 1:34, Mar 1:39, Mar 3:11-22, Mar 5:2-20, Mar 6:13, Mar 7:25-30, Mar 9:14-29, Mar 9:38-40, Mar 16:9, Mar 16:17, Luk 4:33-37, Luk 4:41, Luk 8:2, Luk 8:27-39, , Luk 9:1, Luk 9:38-42, Luk 9:49-50, Luk 10:17-20, Luk 11:14-26, Luk 13:32, Joh 7:20, Joh 8:48-49, Joh 8:52, Joh 10:20-21

Other NT scriptures about demons

Mat 9:34; Mat 13:19; Mat 13:38-39; Mat 25:41; Mar 3:22-26; Mar 4:15; Luk 4:1-13; Luk 8:12; Luk 10:18; Luk 11:15; Luk 11:18; Luk 13:16; Luk 22:31; Luk 22:53; Joh 8:38; Joh 8:41; Joh 8:44; Joh 12:31; Joh 13:2; Joh 13:27; Joh 14:30; Joh 16:11; Act 5:3; Act 13:10; Act 17:18, Act 26:18; Rom 16:20; 1Co 7:5; 1Co 10:20-21; 2Co 2:11; 2Co 4:4; 2Co 11:3; 2Co 11:14-15; 2Co 12:7; Eph 2:2; Eph 4:27; Eph 6:11-16; Col 1:13; Col 2:15; 1Th 2:18; 1Th 3:5; 2Th 2:9; 1Ti 1:20; 1Ti 3:6-7; 1Ti 4:11; Ti 5:15; 2Ti 2:26; Heb 2:14; Jam 3:15; Jam 4:7; 1Pe 5:8-9; 2Pe 2:4; 1Jo 2:13; 1Jo 3:8; 1Jo 3:10; 1Jo 3:12; 1Jo 5:18; Jud 1:6; Jud 1:9; Rev 2:9-10; Rev 3:9; Rev 2:13; Rev 2:24; Rev 9:11; Rev 9:19-20; Rev 12:9-12; Rev 20:1-3; Rev 20:7-8; Rev 20:10

OT scriptures

Gen 3:1; Gen 3:4-5; Gen 3:14-15; Lev 16:21, Lev 16:22; Lev 17:7; Deu 32:17; 1Ch 21:1; Job 1:6-7; Job 1:9-12; Job 2:3-7; Job 9:24; Psa 106:37; Psa 109:6; Isa 13:20-21; Isa 34:13-14; Zec 3:1-2;

The Bride of Christ