The Stewpot Prophecy

The Stewpot Prophecy

First week of March 2009:

The Lord spoke and said, “You have to stir the pot to make stew.”
That was all He said. Then a few days later He downloaded the details. This was a large amount of information and details, which are summarized as follows.


We (USA) have had seven years of plenty, meaning peace. Now there are five years of want, meaning “no hope”. These years run September to September and began September 2008.

“A time of stirring”:

The stew’s ingredients have been in the pot for awhile. Now the lid comes off and the stew is stirred. The stew is the church of the reformation. The ingredients are earthquakes, food shortages, terrorist attacks, natural disasters, insecurity, diseases, and lack of vision. This is the “death of hope”. The “can do” nation becomes the “no can do” nation. The national byword will be “what’s the point of trying?”

Year 1    The end begins – a year of stirring.
Year 2    The heat turns up – another year of stirring.
Year 3    The pot boils. Civil war. More stirring.
Year 4    The end of the beginning – stew smells good.
Year 5    Raising from the ashes – stew is served.


The headline here is (President) “Obama will be ousted as a great failure.” This parallels another prophecy from shortly before the election which said, “Obama’s reign will be short and very, very bad. He who comes after will be even worse.”  [My note: “he” may be a “she”] Major earthquakes in California, Washington State and the Midwest.  Major means 8 or larger.
Major forest fires – entire forests will burn.
Cycles of floods and droughts, tornadoes, hurricanes, storms of every type.
Economic collapse, the DJA (Dow Jones) will hit 1000.
Major, multiple, terrorist attacks. 9/11 will be forgotten.
International humiliation of the US.
Fall of Obama, probable impeachment, possible assassination.
Civil unrest, lawlessness. Race will be a major factor, re: fall of Obama.

You will see all the ingredients this year. Volcanoes are held in reserve. All others you will see this year.

On the same subject, but from a different prophecy:

“Collapse is not sudden and total. It will start with a bang and end with a whimper. Three years of trial before the reformation.”

And from yet another:

“The economy will fall, the enemy will attack, and the earth will shake, all in one day.” [one day may be figurative, but who knows, maybe not.]

The Bride of Christ