Big Picture Summary. What Is God? What Is He Doing?

What Is God?

A being neither angelic or human; revealed in both and yet separate. He exists within His own context apart from creation, and as inconceivable as it sounds, He wants to be more than He is. And that is what everything is all about; nothing else.

What Is He Doing?

God is remaking Himself from the essential motivation of loneliness. He initially divided Himself into three seeking what even He could not fully articulate. Companionship, relationship, equality are all inadequate concepts. Although this division helped, it was not enough. So He devised another plan.

Theologians consider God to be all powerful, but even God cannot reproduce His kind of being. And yet that is exactly what He plans to do and is working to accomplish. The ultimate accomplishment of this goal requires that He change Himself in conjunction with His creation, both spiritual and physical. That single two part spiritual / physical creation is the first step in the plan.

He envisions a new creation full of hope and possibilities that not even God can totally foresee or know. That hope that it will be better than what was, and is, is what drives Him with a resolve that is essentially incomprehensible. All that He is doing, His incredible plan and purpose, He is doing for Himself. The rest of us – men and angels – are a means to an end but we are also part of that end.

Although He cannot reproduce His kind, He could have cloned Himself. But a copy is not what He wants. He wants variability, individuality, and a little unpredictability. He wrote the script for His plan to include room for ad-libs. He deliberately does not want to know everything; and it was this provision that resulted in the plan going terribly wrong in a way completely unanticipated or even considered.

God’s highest spiritual creation went completely off script and attempted to rewrite it before it was even fully articulated let alone implemented. This is known as Satan’s rebellion even though that was not his original name. Satan means adversary and is the name he gave himself. He became and remains the enemy of God, mankind, and most angels. The sizable minority of angels that rebelled along with Satan became what are commonly known as demons.

This rebellion occurred before God’s plan had been fully implemented or understood by the angels and thus was based on assumptions and an incomplete understanding. Before humans or the physical universe were even created God had to deal with the chaos resulting from rebellion and restore order to a very damaged and distorted spiritual creation. It also required an adjustment as to how to accomplish His plan without changing the original objective. Spiritual rebellion had introduced the potential, even probability, of rebellion in His physical creation. He tested possible results of this in a competitive ecology on what can be called pre-Adamic earth. He then created humans within His original intent of a noncompetitive environment in which there was no death. In Eden animals did not kill and eat each other, and fruit did not fall from the trees and rot but remained until picked. Adam and Eve were given a choice and chose to rebel and believe the great lie as recorded in Genesis 3. Virtually all of their descendents believe that lie to this day. As a consequence, death entered and continues just as God said; and all of nature was changed. The correction of the great distortion of God’s original plan, both spiritual and physical, and the accomplishment of its true intention is approaching fulfillment in many ways. Most are unrecognized or misunderstood, along with many beliefs that are outright wrong.

God was betrayed once by a rebellion He did not anticipate, and He is absolutely determined that it will never happen again. That is why the requirements are so great and the path so hard for the final step. Christians have largely failed to reach their potential, just as Israel and those of every preceding age failed, and yet they still laid the foundation for the next age and step in the plan. There remains one more age, one more covenant, and one more opportunity for some to reach their potential as the Bride of Christ. Being the wife of God is not easy or simple, and the qualifying standards are very, very high. The way is hard and the price for this reward is death – the death of most of humanity and ultimately of the Bride herself before the end of the final three covenants and the introduction of parallel rewards for physical Israel, the Church, and the Bride.

There is a great future ahead, but not even God knows all of what it will be. We can be assured it will be great because of what God, and we, will become. What God is doing could not be done by men – they would become utterly corrupt. That God can and is doing it is a revelation of what He is now and a window into what we (God, angels, and men) will become. Revelation 21 verse 5 says in part “I am making everything new”. Our emphasis because everything includes God.

The Bride of Christ