Complete Early Blog Posts

Hello world!

June 3, 2009

These are God’s words. I record them as I hear them. I do not change words, correct grammar or interpret. If I feel clarity requires a comment it will be bracketed [thus]. The punctuation, however, is mine, as are most of the titles. I try to convey the pacing and emphasis of the words as given, not follow grammatical rules.


June 9, 2009

These are God’s words.

Charismatics put too much emphasis on the gifts of the Spirit and too little on the fruits of the Spirit.

What Does God Want?

June 19, 2009

These are God’s words.

What do I want? I want a people who seek Me with their whole heart, not for gain, but for love. I have loved you, and sacrificed for you, and put up with you, even when I didn’t feel like it. Can’t you do the same for Me? I love you and will reward you abundantly, but why must you think that reward means more and bigger baubles? There are so many things of much greater value and you think of them not at all. Love is the greatest of all gifts, and all you want is stuff. Do not seek Me for reward but for love’s sake. Change your heart, change your priorities, change your life. Seek Me everyday. I can be found. I am near and longing for your approach. Do not disappoint Me any more – your opportunity is ending. Act while there is time to act. The shaking comes. Mine will be shaken too but will not fall. There will be great destruction, and only the righteous and the lucky will remain. Do not rely on luck, rely on Me. I have been very patient. I am patient no longer. It has begun. Repent.

Repent means to change. Change the way you think, what you think, how you act, when you act, what you do with your time, your money and your love. Change the very core of your being, which you cannot do yourself. Look outside of yourself, and your interests, and your wants, and seek Mine – not part of the time but all of the time. A new journey, on a new path, to a new and better place. Even if you think you are already on the path, you are not. To the very few who really are – you know, there is no doubt at all. Everyone else, repent! If you have taken one step, take another. The journey is long, and hard, and rewarding. March on!

The Rapture (4/2/09)

June 26, 2009

These are God’s words.

The rapture is true and not true. Your [human] understanding is small but the event is great. I will return and where I am you shall be too. The resurrection of the bride and the wedding party will be when I choose, not the arguments of men. I will do a great work – do not despise it.

Revelation [the book] cannot be understood without revelation. I am beginning to unseal the book. Attend carefully and do not jump to conclusions. The day has been set and now comes, it will be no secret. The earth will shake and I will stand in that day on the Mount of Olives.

Those who do not believe what I say twist the scriptures to their own hurt. Watch the figures of prophecy arise. Prepare yourselves. My hand is mighty but you are caught between two forces you cannot comprehend. Be strong, be courageous and hunker down (store food and prepare). The storm approaches with mighty winds (human persecution), and crashing waves (demonic persecution) and only those firmly rooted to the rock (Jesus) will survive.

A Prophetic Word to the House Church Movement (5/5/09)

June 26, 2009

A prophetic word to the house church movement:

I have never been involved in the house church movement, didn’t know anything about it until recently, and know none of the people involved. However, Father has instructed me that it will be central to the coming reformation. This word is specifically directed to the house church movement. Do with it what you will.

The end of the church as we know it:

I have endured a false and misled church long enough. The time of reformation to what I always wanted is near. Great stirring and great judgment is coming. To the false mouths – shut up and repent. If you cannot preach the truth in humbleness of mind then be still and no longer pollute the air and My people with your words.

To all the so-called Christians – repent, repent, repent and turn to Me with a whole heart, and abandon half measures and part time religion. I will no longer tolerate less than total commitment. If you do this, I will move within you in ways never before seen, and you will know and the world will know that I am God, and you are Mine. The final act has begun. It will be violent, bloody, and glorious. Prepare to act in very great power and might. Prepare by emptying yourself of striving for position, prosperity, or popularity. I will stand for nothing less than a pure heart, totally devoted to My bride, and My body, and totally opposed to false religion, false values, false ministries and false hope. There is only one hope and that is Me. I am raising up a new generation with new power, and new authority, and new ways of doing My work. The gathering begins.

Pray, pray, pray and join, join, join together in harmony of purpose, and peace in the Spirit. Take the scales off your eyes and behold what I am about to do. It is no small thing. I will vomit up the vain, and profane, and self serving ministers who minister for themselves and not for Me. Be ready to pick up the pieces – for there will be many, and many more to come. You have awhile to prepare before the door closes and organization becomes difficult. I will be with you through it all, and you will not doubt because you will be unable to deny what I am doing.

Listen to Me – My voice grows louder – yes, it will shake the earth. This is the greatest calling I have ever given. Attend. Listen to My voice and heed it. This is a wake up call; do not remain asleep. The course will be made clear; prepare to journey. Get serious, get in My word, and do it My way. Give up the ways of men. Some are better than others, but none are going where I am going. Let go of all your plans, and all your dreams, and all your hopes. I have something much, much better. You must believe in Me and what I have always said, though much of it is hard to believe. Break off the chains and loose the bonds, and prepare to change. Everything is about to change.


Doctrinal Statement on Addition to Scripture

June 26, 2009

These are God’s words.

The cannon is closed. I am adding no new scripture. I will increase your understanding and reveal additional detail, but everything has to tie back directly to what is already written. If it does not, it is false.

Healing (5/27/09)

June 26, 2009

I heal whom I choose to heal. My intercessors (with a gift of healing) can ask, and I will listen and decide. They do carry some weight with Me but do not decide who is healed. Only those I give authority to heal can choose and I will do it. They have authority but must use it wisely. Gifts are gifts; authority is authority. Gifts are given; authority is exercised.

God’s Definition of a Prophet

June 26, 2009

These are God’s words.

My voice, who speak My words and not their own. I carefully choose and train My prophets. They are not their own but Mine, and I am jealous for them. Each is made to do specific work and has a specific and special place in My plan. They work, and I work, together to accomplish this.

Priority of Prayer

June 26, 2009

These are God’s words.

I do not hear every prayer. I know they are spoken, but I do not always heed. Anyone with a gift is always heard. Heard means considered in their area of gifting. The prayers of the righteous are always heard. The prayers of the semi-Christians are heard sometimes and the unconverted seldom. The prayers of seekers/responders are especially precious to Me and get special attention. Angels are standing by for them and for the righteous. They are on call for the others, i.e. as they are able.

The End Of The Church As We Know It (5/5/09)

June 26, 2009

These are God’s words.

I have endured a false and misled church long enough. The time of reformation to what I always wanted is near. Great stirring and great judgment is coming. To the false mouths – shut up and repent. If you cannot preach the truth in humbleness of mind then be still and no longer pollute the air and My people with your words. To all the so-called Christians – repent, repent, repent and turn to Me with a whole heart, and abandon half measures and part time religion. I will no longer tolerate less than total commitment. If you do this, I will move within you in ways never before seen, and you will know and the world will know that I am God, and you are Mine. The final act has begun. It will be violent, bloody, and glorious. Prepare to act in very great power and might. Prepare by emptying yourself of striving for position, prosperity, or popularity. I will stand for nothing less than a pure heart, totally devoted to My bride, and My body, and totally opposed to false religion, false values, false ministries and false hope. There is only one hope and that is Me. I am raising up a new generation with new power, and new authority, and new ways of doing My work. The gathering begins. Pray, pray, pray and join, join, join together in harmony of purpose, and peace in the Spirit. Take the scales off your eyes and behold what I am about to do. It is no small thing. I will vomit up the vain, and profane, and self serving ministers who minister for themselves and not for Me. Be ready to pick up the pieces – for there will be many, and many more to come. You have awhile to prepare before the door closes and organization becomes difficult. I will be with you through it all, and you will not doubt because you will be unable to deny what I am doing. Listen to Me – My voice grows louder – yes, it will shake the earth. This is the greatest calling I have ever given. Attend. Listen to My voice and heed it. This is a wake up call; do not remain asleep. The course will be made clear; prepare to journey. Get serious, get in My word, and do it My way. Give up the ways of men. Some are better than others, but none are going where I am going. Let go of all your plans, and all your dreams, and all your hopes. I have something much, much better. You must believe in Me and what I have always said, though much of it is hard to believe. Break off the chains and loose the bonds, and prepare to change. Everything is about to change. Prepare.

Statement on Tongues

June 26, 2009

These are God’s words.

Tongues:  It is an expression of My love for you. What you cannot, do I can do, even to My praise.
[pause] Then He said:  Have you considered that those who don’t speak in tongues may not need to?

The Wilderness – A Call To All Christians

June 26, 2009

These are God’s words.

The wilderness is a place of little water and no direction. You are fed in the wilderness from small plants and tiny pools of water. You survive but do not flourish, and you can get out of the wilderness only with a guide. You choose to go into the wilderness, which is the way out of the present world and false religion. There is no path because neither the world, or the church, know the way. I am the way.

Your wandering may be long or short but never easy. It requires great faith. I say, “come out of her My people.” On the other side are pools of clear water and a well watered garden and large trees that will feed you well, shelter you from the sun, and give you rest. You must make the journey, and you must choose to make the journey. You can make it easier if you prepare, and you need not journey alone. Go in groups, with direction, and you will make a highway for the multitudes that will come later.

The world of ease and self indulgence is ending, though it will persist for a time. The temple of false religion is crumbling even now and about to fall. Come out of the institutional religion which is based more on the tradition and organization of men than on Me.

I am the true vine, you are the vine dressers [see note]. Vines can only grow in the open, not closed in a building. Neither does much light penetrate a building, and sometimes, none at all. Come into the light, and be a light. Light begets light. Let My light shine in you. In the false church there is more darkness than light. If you want the light, come out of the darkness. If this means you must walk alone in the wilderness, then do it. If you find a like minded group, stay together to face the wilderness. There are no guides in the institutional church, only false maps that will lead you nowhere. They do not know the way and do not wish to seek it. They love the dark and will perish in the dark.

Come out, come out, come out.

A new temple and true temple will be built.  It is My body. Even now the foundation is being laid, but this takes time. And although the stones are being gathered, the building has not begun. These will be a new building which lets in the light, and you can enter, but only through the wilderness.

Come forth – I am calling you for good and not evil, life and not death. It may not look that way, but it is so. Trust Me, have faith, and walk out the door of institutional religion and don’t look back. I promise dust and hardship, weariness and travail, but you will not perish as those left behind will. I will be a cloud by day and a fire by night, and you will come to My glorious land. It is worth the journey, and more. Come forth.

Note:  I asked about this because the referenced scripture [Jn 15:1] says “My Father is the vine dresser.” He answered; You wrote it correctly, that is what I said.

TL Osborn’s “Healing The Sick”

June 29, 2009

TL Osborn  in his book  Healing The Sick says, “It is God’s will to heal every sick person”. God’s reply: These are God’s words. Physical health is not the issue. Spiritual health is the issue. Know God, seek Him with all of your being and all of your soul, and be what He wants you to be. Your physical state is a side show, an incidental, purely a matter of blessing – not the main, or even minor focus, at all. The focus is righteousness, not physical health, spiritual sickness of the soul, not diseases of the body. I came to give you life which is eternal, and you cannot have physical life eternal. Get your eyes on the right goal, faith vs faith. One is much greater than the other. Get your priorities straight. God is not a genie in a booth waiting to heal you if you come by and say “I believe”. Paul besought the Lord three times and was not healed. Do you not suppose God had a reason? Was Paul’s faith lacking? Must yours be greater? Foolishness!

Three Words This Morning

July 1, 2009

These are God’s words.

Washington {DC} Politicians:

Nest of vipers. [for you] It’s not about building but about destroying. You rush headlong to destroy everything your fathers worked so hard to create. Justice for all became justice for none, and spoils for a few. You claim to give, but keep for yourself. You line your own pockets and steal from the poor. You exercise authority without compassion in the name of compassion. You are rotten, corrupt, self serving and doomed. A house built on sticks and self deception. Your end is near and the fall and fallout will be great. You create more evil in so short a time than anyone in history. Are you proud of yourselves? Shame, shame, shame. You are abhorred by Me, and you will be abhorred by the people who will spew you out, and accomplish nothing but greater destruction. Woe, woe, woe to the land, led by simpletons and worshiped by fools. I will stomach it no more. Your blessings are ended, your trial begins. Only the strong and faithful will survive. Turn to Me, run from the putrid politicians who cannot save no matter what they say. The nation is sinking in a sea of sewage and all the politicians do is drill holes in the bottom of the boat. Repent oh My people, and turn away from them and their false promises, and false hope, and false religion, which is belief in themselves. There is only one salvation, and that is Me and My way. Come out, come out, come out and let that den of asps drown in their own filth. Do not fight them, run from them that you do not die with them. They will pursue you, and persecute you, and kill you because you are clean and they are filthy, and they cannot stand that. I will be with you but you will be splattered by mud and worse. I, and only I, can make you clean again, when you stand in righteousness on the bones of the fallen. Do not despair, the night will be long and dark and hard. There is a dawn for you, but not for them.

The end of the land:

A great and noble people built this land, many wise and industrious people built the greatest nation the world has ever seen, but their accomplishments were for nothing because the sons of the builders have become the children of entitlement.  The chief of entitlement is Satan the devil, who has spread this poison throughout the land, and you lap it up greedily. How great is your turn from one to the other. Your vision is blind, your compassion misplaced, and your greed and self interest immense. Repent, repent, repent. It is too late for the nation, but not for you. Do not fall with them, that nation, once so great, but now a hollow shell, rotting and about to collapse. There is no hope but in Me. Turn to Me and abandon all hope of resurrection for the nation. It will turn to Me from the pit of despair, but will never be what in once was. It will become even greater but in an entirely new way, with a new king, in a new kingdom, not of corruptible man, but the incorruptible kingdom of God. That is the light. I hold it up for you to see. Come to the light and live. Hope is all you have.

God’s statement on leaders of the USA:

I have not chosen them, you have chosen them. Don’t blame Me, blame yourselves.

You Are the Light

July 7, 2009

These are God’s words.

Arise, oh light.  Shine forth. The light comes and the dark spirits flee. They must create darkness to continue in their ways. Fight the darkness – the abode of spirits who cannot tolerate light. You are the light because I am in you. Shine on. You are the liquid light -the light of life.

It is no more water but light that represents Me. I am the light of the world and you are My lanterns. Keep your lamps full, trim the wicks, turn up the light. You need light to work, and you have much work to do.

A Snapshot Revelation – New Wineskins

July 9, 2009

This was a new experience. I had a very short vision and  immediately understood what the parable of the new wineskins is about.  There was no accompanying word, just understanding. I am calling this a snapshot revelation.

I saw an old wineskin with a patch on it. Wine was poured into it, the patch tore, and the wineskin ruptured and the wine spilled onto the ground. I knew this was in reference to the parable of Jesus, recorded in Mat 9, Mk 2 and Lu 5.

Mat 9:16  “But no one puts a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; for the patch pulls away from the garment, and a worse tear results.
Mat 9:17  “Nor do people put new wine into old wineskins; otherwise the wineskins burst, and the wine pours out and the wineskins are ruined; but they put new wine into fresh wineskins, and both are preserved.” NASB

These two parables, which say the same thing, were combined in the vision.

The wine represents a powerful release of the Holy Spirit, which is coming. The patch  on the old garment, and the old wineskin, represent incomplete “newness”. This is the patch of partial repentance on the old man, or the old wineskin, so typical of the Laodicean Christians of today.   God calls these people semi-Christians. Those  who have accepted Christ as their savior but made few real changes in their lives; wanting one foot in the world, and one toe in the kingdom. This will not do. When the spirit moves in a powerful new way, the old wineskins, and the old garments, and the old man, will not be able to adapt and will be destroyed.

God requires total, uncompromising commitment – both to weather the approaching storms and to participate in the release of very great power.  Such power as the world has never seen. This outpouring of the spirit and move of God will be greater than Noah’s flood, greater than the Exodus, greater than the first century church. It will be the greatest work God has ever done. This is what He has said. You cannot be a part of this if your wineskin tears and the wine pours on the ground. Do not waste the wine. Be ready, prepare now, buy your oil while there is time.  Soon many will be looking to buy, and it will be too late!

No one can do this for you. You must do it for yourself.

Rev 3:14  “To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: The Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God, says this:
Rev 3:15  ‘I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot.
Rev 3:16  ‘So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth.
Rev 3:17  ‘Because you say, “I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing,” and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked,
Rev 3:18  I advise you to buy from Me gold refined by fire so that you may become rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself, and that the shame of your nakedness will not be revealed; and eye salve to anoint your eyes so that you may see.
Rev 3:19  ‘Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent.
Rev 3:20  ‘Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.
Rev 3:21  ‘He who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit down with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.
Rev 3:22  ‘He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’”

Turn Off Your TV’s

July 10, 2009

These are God’s words.

Turn off your TV’s and get on your knees.

To Love God

July 10, 2009

These are God’s words.

This is to love God – show forth His glory.

Spiritual Consensus

July 10, 2009

These are God’s words.

The church is not a democracy but is run by spiritual consensus.


July 10, 2009

The churches are filled with semi-Christians who have never repented.

Truth and Action

July 10, 2009

These are God’s words.

Truth without action is pointless.   Action without truth is evil.

The Church is a Body

July 10, 2009

These are God’s words.

The church is not an institution; it is a body.

Daniel Is Key

July 10, 2009

These are God’s words.

My prophet Daniel wrote little of the end times but what he did write is key. Hang your hat on that.

Babylon is Falling

July 10, 2009

These are God’s words.

Babylon the great is falling, is falling.

Operation Just Cause/Repentance and Power

July 12, 2009

A vision of a military type HQ in heaven. I can not tell the details, but this is a summary:

This operation is now underway. Angels are stirring the spirits of churches, areas, and individuals. This is a stirring to repentance in thousands of places all over the world. Many small stirrings, which, if answered, will release the second part of the operation. To those who respond will be released power, now. The enemy is in a panic, the opposition is organizing, there will be counter stirring.

Then God spoke this word:

These are God’s words.

If you repent, you will receive power – now! Operation Just Cause for real. Yes, the name was stolen! God’s cause is just. Will you get on board? I give you a chance and a choice. Choose now, repent! This is total, 100% commitment. Prepare to give up your friends, give up your job, give up your church, and choose Me, and follow Me, and do whatever I say, no matter what. Nothing less will do; anything less is death. Death is not immediate but sure.  The path which is not Mine ends there. Do not expect this to be easy; it will be hard.

Come out of the world. Come out of false, lukewarm religion. I am about to spew them out.  You do not want to be there when I do! How do you know? Look to the power. I make clear My servants – those who are truly seeking and truly following Me. To them I give My power so you can recognize them. I do this not for them but for Me. The work must be done, and I choose not to use rocks that are dead, but living rocks. I can cause asses to talk – how much better My prophets? How much better those I am choosing, and who are choosing themselves, by heeding Me and My call.

Listen. Listen to the stirring of the Spirit and repent and change. Change yourself, and you will change the world. Repent, and so will they.  And if they don’t, they will know God has been at work among them.

God’s Game

July 16, 2009

These are God’s words.

The time is set; the game is on. Only I know the rules. If you want to play, and you must play if you are to win, then follow the rules. I know the rules and I will tell you the rules when you need to know. Play hard; do your part; follow the coach’s direction.

The enemy is able, trained, fit, and ready to play. Do not worry if they cheat, the referee is on My side. Their plans will come to nothing although they will make some spectacular plays. At times the score will appear lopsided against you. Do not quit. Do not give up, continue to play and you will win.

This is a playoff game – the championship game comes later. Don’t look to that game.  Concentrate on and play the one you are in. Tee the ball up; the game begins.

Prophets – Real and Imagined

July 19, 2009

These are God’s words.

The gift of prophecy does exist today, although it is not very common. Many who claim the gift [of prophecy] have a small one, or none at all. Many of these people appoint themselves as “prophets” which they are not. I appoint My prophets.  They are not appointed, declared, or anointed by men, and most especially, not by themselves. To claim to be a prophet falsely is a serious matter indeed.

To My true prophets I give authority, which is power. This authority is not their reason for being – it is proof of their office. This power can and will be faked, but it cannot be duplicated, period. Their reason for being is to speak for Me.  And when they declare they are doing this, you had better listen; because it is God, and not they, who is speaking. You can recognize them by what they say and how they say it. Read the prophets. They sound like that. They do not speak for fame or fortune, but for truth, and the love of Me, and even the love of the world which tries to silence them.

My prophets are special to Me. I will recompense double to those who oppose their work, for it is My work. Be careful for them. They command angels and you do not.  They speak with me face to face, and you do not.  They understand things you cannot understand, even though they will try to teach you. Learn what you can, and never, ever, forget they speak for Me.  And that is no small thing. They speak willingly, knowing the price, and they have chosen to do it. They speak for Me and answer to Me and no other. Do not presume to change that or interfere in our work. I will not forget those who help or those who hinder.

Go forth and speak for Me.

God’s Cry For Love

July 19, 2009

These are God’s words.

So few, so few, so few who will accept Me as I am. I have great love, and they live in fear. I have compassion, and they seek the rigidity of rules. I speak plainly, and they twist and distort My words. They study endlessly, speak many words, but do not do. I cry out, and they reject My voice.

I long for children who will love Me, and accept Me, and be like Me, and talk like Me, and do the things I love with Me. I have created you, nurtured you, cared for you, provided for you, and what do I get? A bunch of self-centered brats who seek only for themselves and never consider My desire, which is so simple. I want friends. I want companionship. I want to be loved just as you want to be loved. But My love is pure, and yours is so limited and could be so much more. I will do what I have to do, though I do not wish to do it. Hear My cry, feel My tears. I am crying for the anguish you cause Me and yourselves. Where did you get this stubborn streak? I did not make you that way.

Turn to Me with happy, innocent faces. Smile at Me and make My day, My year, My eternity. I do not need your money or your wealth, I have more than enough. I need your time. Spend it with Me and not in pursuit of so transitory pleasures as fill the earth from the time of Adam. Let us play together and not apart. I am not some monster, waiting in the dark to eat you. I am your loving Father, and I want more than anything to hold you in My arms, set you in My lap, and rest with you in common love and admiration. I am not so different from you as you suppose. You were created in My image, and that should tell you quite a lot.

Turn to Me and I will shelter you from the coming trial that comes upon the earth. The refiners fire need not touch you if you will but yield and give up your hearts of stone for hearts of flesh – My flesh which is true life. I reach out to you and you slap My hands, and kill My prophets, and oppose My work, and consort with My enemy. And do you profit thereby? No, you only hurt yourselves while you hurt Me.

I grieve for the people who are blind, and deaf, and dumb, and want no healing. Do not be as they are. Wash your eyes, clean out your ears, exercise your tongues, for the former things, and the former ways are changing, and I will have My way, one way or another.

This is the time of first fruits. The first of the first fruits was My firstborn son. You are some of the rest. The reward for the first fruits will be very, very great, but you will earn it! I am removing the scales from your eyes, and the wax from your ears, and loosing your tongues to speak boldly the truth of the ages, which has been largely lost and suppressed. The secret places are opened, and the secret things revealed.

The enemy cannot stop this although he will try very hard to distort, deflect, suppress, and make unbelievable what I am doing and saying through you. Do these things and your joy will be complete. I love you as no man can. Love Me as no man can. It is the greatest gift I can give, and I give it to you. [love].

Welcome home.

Revival Angels (5/27/09)

July 21, 2009

These are God’s words.

The idea of revival angels is false, false, false. Angels do not do revival – this is something the Holy Spirit does directly. There is no intermediary.

Anyone claiming to hear from revival angels is a liar, new age charlatan, or very, very deceived. Listen not to them.  Listen to Me; and if you listened to Me (read My word), you would know them for what they are.

A Word to False Prophets (10/14/08)

July 22, 2009

These are God’s words.

Woe to the false prophets who speak for themselves and not for Me.  They claim an office I have not given them.

A prophetic gift does not make one a prophet. My prophets are not mighty in the world, nor rich and increased with goods, but are mighty in Me and in My kingdom. If you wish to prophesy truly – SHUT UP! Repent and listen to Me and not yourselves. Have you not read? How many of My prophets speak smooth words? Easy words? Comforting words? No, they shout warning words, words of destruction, words of woe.

Repent! Repent! Repent! My people and those who preach soft words and words of blessing and words of comfort who lull My people to sleep with words of blessing and not warning.

Woe to My people who have no shepherds, no prophets, no words of life. You are soft and not strong, you are ignorant and not instructed, you follow your own ways and not Mine. Repent and die to Me. You are not your own but Mine. Follow Me, seek Me, do My will and My work. Carry your cross and not your wallet. I don’t need your money, I need your time.

Turn, turn, turn to Me. Listen to My true prophets if you can find one. They do not speak soft words, they speak My words. They seek not for themselves and do not speak words of comfort. They shout Repent! Turn away from your own ways and turn to Me. They don’t speak prosperity but hunger for the Lord. They do not speak dominion but humility and meekness.

The proud, the prosperous and the self satisfied cannot be used by Me. But those of a contrite spirit will do mighty works and change the face of the earth. In weakness there is strength. Be weak in Me and I will show forth My glory through you. Be strong, be courageous, be bold. I will fill your mouth both with words and sustenance.

The weak will overcome the mighty. The small will overthrow the great. Those who revel in their knowledge, and their reasonings, and their movements, and do not know Me, nor seek Me, nor listen to My voice, their fall will be great and sudden. I will stay no longer. I am the Lord of judgement and justice.

Hear the word of the Lord and fear the word of the Lord!

A Love Letter From God

July 29, 2009

This is one of the most powerful words I have ever received. Words are inadequate. To be the objects of this love requires 100% commitment, no compromise, no distractions, no self. All God, all the time. Easy? No. Worth it? You decide. These are God’s words.

How very precious are My children in whom I can delight. They neither fear Me, or ignore Me, but love Me as I love them. They spend time with Me, play with Me, listen to Me, and talk to Me. They are My loving children who seek to please Me – not for their sakes, but for Mine, because they love Me, and they are My friends, as well as My sons and daughters. These are the few who strive to be what I made them to be, and these few make it all worthwhile. I will bless them, and keep them, and make them into fine instruments to play in My band, and excellent blades for battle, and wonderful, adoring, delightful, beautiful and desirable brides for My firstborn. You will be My daughter-in-law, My children, and a place for Myself, and I delight in you, and them, and the glorious future we have together.

I cannot express in words what I feel. You are the salvation of the world. I do it for you – you are the reason for My being. I love you, and long to be with you in being, as well as spirit . That day will come, and is coming, when we can be together forever. No more secrets, no more dark glass, no more striving for understanding. There will be great peace, love, joy and fellowship, life without death, and we will plan our future together, you and I, for I am your father, and I give you all I possess, even My son for your husband. You are that precious to Me. Do not doubt that this is true. It is truer than true, for I have said it, and that is the greatest guarantee there is.

I love you, I love you, I love you. Hold that next to your heart and never, ever, forget it. Nothing can separate you from My love, not even yourselves. I have said it, and it is so, and will forever be.


August 3, 2009

These are God’s words.

Reformation is not cleansing of the old church but the forming of a new one. It is not God’s purpose to fix the old temple but to build a new one. Come out of the old while you can.


August 7, 2009

These are God’s words.

Why God doesn’t give dates – faith.

The Day Approaches

August 8, 2009

“The day” is a reference to an earlier word which said: “The economy will fall, the enemy will attack, and the earth will shake, all in one day.” This was published as part of the stew pot prophecy. It appears the “one day” may be a literal 24 hours, or at least a very short period of time. These are God’s words.

The day approaches. A day which will never be forgotten. The giant is tripped and never completely recovers. It will stagger and temporarily recover, then ultimately fall for good.  And the fall thereof will be great. It will be seen later, by all, as the beginning of the end.

Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the land. Turn to Me. Run to Me. I am your only hope. The nation is done. You must save yourselves, and only I can do it. The cry is silenced; My word is not heard.  The voices are silenced, and the silence is golden for a time. But a new crop of false ministers will arise and deceive many.

Cry aloud – be a voice in the wilderness. Many will come to you and live.  For I am with you; and you, and they, will stand and show forth My light. My light is love. Although they are punished severely, I love them still.  Tell them that so they may have hope in the midst of hopelessness. There is an end, and those who are left will stand again.  And the world will know that they are mine, and they will wonder at the miraculous recovery of a people so destroyed.

This tribulation comes from Me, not the enemy. He is there to take advantage, but this is My displeasure with this nation and this people and not his doing. He is not yet loosed, but that too is coming. Stand for My people and for Me. I will not fail you or forsake you, no mater how it seems. The enemy cannot win although it will seem as though he is. Stay true and you and My remnant will be saved.  And more than saved – exalted before angels and men. Stand steadfast to the end, and your reward will be beyond measure.

I have waited long enough. I will see My children prevail, and I will begin a work which will ever be sung of and forever remembered. The pages of glory are ready to be written on – the pens are full, the scribes prepared. Let the greatest story ever told begin now with you and others. The heavens wait in anticipation to see what I can do, and they will be amazed. You are Mine, and I will exercise power never before seen and never to be seen again. In the history of eternity there is no greater, glorious, momentous a time as now. And you will not only see it, but do it!

To My willing children, who do it because they love Me and not by command and not for reward: You are My greatest blessing and the fulfillment of all My desires from the beginning. You are few but mighty to the salvation of humanity. You are the reason I have done all I have done. I now make Myself clear. No more speaking in riddles and filtered glory. I reveal My true self through you and your kind.

Stand, stand, stand. That’s all you have to do – I will do the rest.

My glory is revealed; denial is a lie. Some will reject you, and Me, but they are without excuse. I stand, and they fall. Oh foolish men! Why will you die? Your eyes will see and your ears will hear, and you refuse to see and refuse to hear. How is this possible? It astounds even Me. But some are faithful, even from Abraham to this generation. The few will save the many. It has always been so, and it is so today. I praise you even before you have done anything because I already know your works, and you are children in whom I am well pleased.

The books are open; the writing has begun. I will give you rest in the midst of an impossible work. Only I can do such a thing. Show forth My glory, and My pride, and the cumulation of all I have been doing since before humanity was created.

I am overjoyed.

One Bride

August 19, 2009

These are God’s words.

There is only one bride. You are part of the bride by choice, not by command. You must be totally committed to Him and no other – not even yourself. There can be no compromise, no wavering, no stopping to rest. The way is long and hard and glorious and invigorating.  There is nothing like it. Heavens will praise you, the earth will rejoice, and the world will see and know that you are Mine. There is no other.

Not What We Say – What We Do

August 19, 2009

These are God’s words.

We glorify God not by what we say, but what we do.

Be On The Side Of Truth

August 27, 2009

These are God’s words.

God loves you and He wants you to return that love with all your being. Nothing less will do. The compromising and the uncommitted will fall because they will not be sheltered from the coming storm, which is even now upon us. Repent and run to the shelter of his wings, or you will see disaster and depredation such as has not been seen in the earth for many, many generations. And yet greater will come, far beyond what has ever happened before, and, but for the elect of God no one would survive.

There are few who truly love Me as I want, but they are enough to preserve your world and bring a much better one. There is great power available to do My work. All you have to do is seek it and Me. Listen to the few who know and can explain what this means, but be very careful in choosing who to listen to. They will have great authority in signs and wonders, but so will others who are liars, and say smooth words, and promise great things, and make a great show, but whose end is death – no matter how righteous they sound.

Pray for discernment and you shall have it. But just accepting what someone says, even if it sounds religious, is a sure way to loose all that you have, and most of what you don’t [have yet]. Try the spirits. That is a command not a suggestion. Your life depends on it. Don’t believe them, believe Me. My few and true Prophets speak for Me. Find them and then listen to Me. They speak for Me not for themselves.

Chose who you listen to very carefully, for many false prophets will arise and deceive many. My prophets do not seek to please men, they seek to please Me. They speak truth no matter the consequences. The false ultimately seek the approval of men, or some men, and cannot speak the truth even if they know it – lest the wrong people be offended and their followers join another.

Judge carefully, your life depends on it. Appearances can be deceiving, but truth is always truth, and the truth will stand, and the untruth will be forever destroyed. Be on the side of truth.

Don’t Let It Be Your Life Too

August 27, 2009

These are God’s words.

The future move of God.  He is even now moving to destroy a great crop of false and foolish ministries who preach prosperity and blessing without effort. They wrap falsehood in fancy wrappings and fleece the gullible and part time Christians who want a reward without effort. This era is ending. I will repay them quickly if they do not repent and turn to the truth.

All those who claim to be Apostles and Prophets, but are not, will be silent, and the silences will be golden. It will last but a short time, and an even greater evil will arise – the preachers of easy power signs and wonders instead of easy prosperity and easy blessing. The former appealed to greed, the later to having the power of God without the character. The wonders will be great, but they are a lie. They appear as God’s work, but they are the work of sorcery and magic, not God.

Do not be deceived. Try the spirits, whether they be of God, and chose carefully who you believe and who you follow. The Devil himself can appear as an angel of light, but he is not. Do not be a gullible Christian. If you have been fleeced of your money, don’t let it be your life too.

On Healing

September 5, 2009

These are God’s words.

You can’t be healed all at once.  It would kill you. You are, however, forgiven all at once.

This was accompanied by a vision of a golden leaf of light. It was turned up at the edges like a shallow boat and there was a short candle sitting on it. The leaf floated down over a sea of sewage and as soon as it touched the surface of the sea it quickly faded away.

Women and Authority In the Church

September 11, 2009

This is a controversial subject today. Should women be ordained? give prayers? How does 1 Ti 2:12 apply? I had asked about this earlier and He said;

A woman  is not to have authority over a man. I wrote it, and I meant it.

This did not answer all my questions so I kept asking, and He said;

Is it so hard to understand? A woman is not to have authority over a man. Period. Can a woman be a teacher? Yes. Can a woman be an elder? Yes, of course. [Note 1] Can a woman be a preacher? Yes. None of these things involves authority. Exhortation is not command.  Authority should be little used, but it is there if needed. This a woman may not have – not because they are inferior, but because they must learn their place just as men must. Their places are just different.

I hold men more responsible than women – remember Adam and Eve – and I also give authority along with it. Women; do not rebel because of men’s failures. That is My concern, not yours, even though you may suffer for it. My ways are not your ways. Learn My ways and abandon your own.

Then I asked about 1Cor 14:34?

Women are permitted to speak; no, encouraged to speak in meekness and submission. They are not permitted to usurp authority. That is what I was talking about.

Note 1. An elder is a mature Christian, not an office.


September 11, 2009

These are God’s words.

Marriage is God’s most sacred creation. I created marriage before I created man. It was made for My Son and for you, and it is most holy. I created it to be between one man and one woman and within one generation it began to be corrupted, and so it is up until this day. I say I hate divorce and you practice it freely. I say a man should leave his father’s house and cleave to his wife, and you are so unfaithful as to embarrass rabbits. You mock My most sacred creation and trample the true meaning in the mud and think nothing of it. Do you think I do not notice? Do you think I do not care?

Foolish, foolish men, do you know the price you pay? True religion is defiled, families are broken, children are ruined and society itself is breaking down, and you see it but cannot tell why. I will tell you why. You defiled yourselves, your children, your nation, your world, and I will tolerate it for very little longer in the world and not at all in My church.

Come out of the world, come out of pornography, fornication, adultery, wandering eyes, and lusts of the flesh. It is My most sacred symbol of a relationship with Me, and you pollute it beyond any other. You have no excuse, and you are judged. This is a very great sin and even repentance cannot remove the whole penalty. You will pay. You are paying. Purify yourselves and turn to Me.

Repent, repent, repent lest I strike you a curse greater than you have already received. You trample on My creation and you had better count the cost. It is more than you think, and you cannot bear it. My bride must be made ready, and this means your physical marriages, which are a shadow of the marriage to come, must be pure as well. Do not delay. I will not tolerate the unclean, the impure, and the unfaithful and uncommitted in the bride of My beloved Son.

Think on these words and act on these words.

Listen To The Spirits – Try The Spirits

September 11, 2009

I had intended to write an article on this subject. God decided to do it for me. These are God’s words.

I have commanded you to listen to the Spirit. My sheep hear My voice. This is not easy to do, for My voice is not overpowering. It is soft, and gentle, and guiding, not commanding or strident. How do you know the voice is Mine? You have to know Me. In order to recognize Me, you have to know Me. To know Me, you have to spend time with Me and I with you. You are in control of this; I do not force it on you. When you know Me, you are My friend. I tell everything. I share everything, My joys and My burdens, with My friends. To be a true friend of God is no small thing, either for you, or for Me. I treasure My friends, for they are few, and I wish for more. You choose to be My friend, I cannot make you. To be My friend takes time and effort and courage and repentance beyond what you know. I reach out to you. Take My hand and be My friend. I call you no more servants, but friends. That is My desire. Make it so.

As I have said, to hear Me you have to listen very carefully and discern your true friend, for there are other voices besides Mine. There is your own voice which speaks to you in the quiet of the night. This is the voice of the flesh which wants to be good, and benefit from blessings, but does not want to expend any effort to obtain it. This is the heart which is desperately wicked and must be crucified and turned to a heart of flesh. Hearts of flesh have to be exercised. You can obtain blessing by having a heart of flesh. This heart is in agreement with My heart, and the voice of this heart you can listen to, but not the other. I have given you My word, both written and in My Son, so you can tell the difference. It is your job to know and to recognize the difference.

The third voice you hear is that of My enemy, and yours, the devil – Satan, deceiver of the nations and father of all that is evil. His voice, and the voice of his servants, is different than Mine, but it can sound just the same. Both your spirit and My spirit will testify that it is wrong. The small thought, those small urges to do wrong, those appeals to pride, and self, and anything that opposes My desire for you and for the world, those are of the evil one. If it exalts self, glories in beauty, or talent, or intellect in even a small way, it is false.

My Spirit is humble, meek and seeks justice, not revenge, mercy and not judgment, love and not hate. Love your enemies, that is the great test. To do this you must love Me, and you must love yourselves, but it must be done in truth. The truth will set you free to love. When you love your enemies you are listening to Me. That is My voice.

Confess Jesus Has Come In the Flesh

September 11, 2009

What does it mean to confess Jesus has come in the flesh (1 Jn 4:2-3)?

This, like all scripture has multiple layers of explanation, but this is a specific meaning as God explained it;

It was and is Jesus, the man, who lived a sinless life.

It was Jesus, the man, who overcame Satan.

It was Jesus, the man, who died on the cross.

To be defeated by a mere human absolutely infuriates Satan. He cannot stand it. He will not accept it, and yet he knows it is true. Jesus did not use his Godhood to beat Satan. That would have been cheating to Satan’s mind, even he admits God is superior when he must. But to be beaten by a human! Inconceivable! Satan considers himself superior to humans in every way, that is much of the reason for his rebellion.

You want to torment Satan? Confess Jesus came in the flesh, overcame the world (Satan’s domain) and Satan himself. He HATES that!

Did Prophecy Fail?

September 21, 2009

Did prophecy fail?  The stew pot prophecy seemed to indicate certain events would happen this year. September 19 is the first day of a new year in the Jewish calendar and they have not occurred. So what happened?
9/18/2009 morning.  These are God’s words.

Your understanding is small. You do not understand what I am saying. You interpret to your hurt and do not let be what will be. The edge of prophecy is a very tricky thing and  you must be very careful and run from assumptions. I do not do things the way you do, so imposing your ways on My words will not work. Learn My ways and it will make sense.

A year is not a year. The outline is true, your understanding is not. Let go and let God. Watch and learn. The mighty signs in earth and heaven are now appearing. You have your part, but wait. I still have much to do to gather the stones. You must wait and do. I know you are confused. I can’t help it, you have to go through it for Me. It will become clearer eventually.  Just keep at it.

Later, same day.
When you apply your ways to My words you will err. You must apply My ways to My words. If I just told you, you would be a servant not a son. Learn My ways to properly understand prophecy. This is difficult to do and very, very few have ever done it. Reread the prophets from this point of view – what are My ways as applied to what I said. Remember, most of the prophets were servants. Exceptions – Ezekiel, Daniel, Isaiah. Even they did not really understand most of what they said. It is a different day, and I am working in a different way. Understanding is open to you, but you must learn understanding. The clues are there, Paul understood a lot, but not all. You are a pioneer, but built on your forerunners. They have not labored in vain and neither shall you.

A year is a year is a year. Time is nothing to Me – don’t let it be too much to you. A year is a set period, but it is mine, not yours, to define. September to September could be multiple of your years. What I said was true and will happen, but not necessarily in the way, or the time, or the manner you expect. In fact, expect to be surprised – mostly in a good way, but always the way I choose according to My ways and My work.

Do My work and learn My ways. That is all I ask or expect. You are a prophet. Act like one, but with understanding, not ignorance or misinterpretation. Remember, My ultimate motivation is love, always. The plan you know, the reasons you know, the way you do not know. I have high expectations for you. Do Me proud. Do it My way, and you will be remembered forever. Do well.

My Way

September 22, 2009

My way is love – timeless love.

The Meaning of Life.

September 22, 2009

These are God’s words.

To bring joy to the Lord, peace to the earth, and unity to all of creation.

Why Doctrinal Differences?

September 23, 2009

God began speaking to me about why scripture allows doctrinal disputes. Why are doctrines not explicit?

These are God’s words.

Even those that are, are ignored. I say, “The wages of sin is death” and no one believes it. What good does it do to be clear? You will believe what you want to believe and use convenient scripture to “prove” it, and ignore any that oppose it. I allow doctrinal differences to test you. Are you willing to do what I say, or what you want to believe? Those who truly want to follow Me, and be My children, must abandon their false beliefs when they are found out. Not many are willing to do that. Their traditions are more important than My truth. Few truly seek truth, and fewer still are willing to adopt it when they find it. Their own ways and their own beliefs are more important to them than Mine. They shall have their reward and it is not what they believe – though they could know, but they do not wish to know.

Are you willing to give up your most cherished beliefs, soundest doctrines, greatest traditions, for My simple truth? We shall see. All My true children have to undergo a doctrinal challenge and change at some point. Those who will change can be Mine, those who will not will perish in their error.

You Must Know My Ways

September 23, 2009

These are God’s words.

In order to do My work you must know My ways. My ways are not your ways. I have a way of speaking, and you must learn what I mean. A day and a year I have explained. A season is longer than a year but one ‘movement’. An era, or an age, or some call a dispensation, is a major division of how I work in that period.

We are entering a new age which is the end of the age – which is the end of the age before it – which was from Christ till now. In this age, which is before the age to come, I reveal  My true self and speak plainly to My children, but they still have to learn My language and My ways. My ways are not hard in one sense, but very hard in another. Believe Me, believe My love, believe I know your hardship and travail, and I will answer and I will help and you will show the unbelieving their unbelief.

There will be false, but it cannot compare to the true, although it may seem so because there is more of it. The foundation is being laid. The real work has not started. You are scouts and pioneers for what will follow. You will set the example and blaze the trail through the wilderness. It will not be easy, or rewarding in the now, but it will lead to riches and fulfillment beyond your dreams. You will be tested by the unbelievers, but in the end they will know, and believe.

My firstborn did not have an easy life, and you can expect no less. Nevertheless, He moved with authority and so shall you. And greater works because it is a greater age.

Continue to prepare.  Equip yourself for the wilderness. I will give you a map, a little now, and more later. Learn the way so you can follow it when the time comes. The opening of the door is near; your time has come. Soon much will be revealed, and you can operate as I wish you to do.

Be ready.

What I Am Doing You Can Know

September 23, 2009

These are God’s words.

What I am doing you can know – you do know. You just don’t know how I do it. I work outside of time. That is what is so hard for you to understand. Your life is a book, and I read all the pages at once, whereas you cannot. Reading the pages you have not written is the realm of prophecy. You can do this, but you must learn, and be cautious. Prophecy is not benign. There are trips and traps to be avoided. You can see them, so walk around. Do not be tempted to stop and play. Keep your eyes on the goal and you will be fine.

To be a prophet means to stand for Me, to speak for Me, and show that I am real. You have power and authority to do this – to confound the naysayers and overturn the false apostles and prophets who claim what they are not and mislead many and comfort none at all. You offer the comfort of My hope and little else.

Preach woe to the land for it is My judgment on them. Repent or perish. That message has never changed. Why will you die, Oh Israel? Israel is My people who I have chosen and blessed beyond measure, and yet they always reject Me and pursue their own ways. How long must I endure? It is enough. Proclaim again, repent or perish.

Disaster upon disaster comes upon you. Can you not read the times and the seasons? Seek Me while I may be found. Soon there will be silence. You will knock and I will not answer; you will seek and I will hide My face from you. My children will rest safely under My wings, but you will not be able to find a refuge. The trials will be upon you, and yet, if you remain faithful to what you know and will not accept the mark of the beast, or deliverance, you shall live. I do not wish to be this way but you force Me to be so.

Israel came out of Egypt by mighty signs and wonders, and yet they would not believe and do. They wandered for forty years for unbelief until a new generation arose which believed slightly. Yet again, I will deliver My people and how many will believe and do? Must I raise another new generation before I can continue My work? Repent, throw yourselves on the ground. Cry out with broken hearts and souls and I will hear. Cry out, lest I turn My ear and seek another people and another generation.

Hear, Oh land.  It cries out as the inhabitants will not. Can you eat your gold? Will your gadgets save you? Will your finery shelter you in the storm? No – you will drown in your iniquity, never knowing why. You pollute everything I try to do and proclaim yourself Christian. You have rejected Me by your actions and now I reject you for your actions. You do not seek Me. You seek only pleasure, and riches, and fame, and entertainment, and look upon yourselves as enlightened and generous and deserving. You are none of those things, you are spoiled brats who are incapable of seeing the truth about anything – about your yourselves, your leaders, your society, your nation, or any of the corruption of every kind that surrounds you. You wallow in it, glory in it, and think yourselves great.

Humble yourselves quickly, or I will do it for you. Judgement has come but has not yet truly fallen. You have a very short time. Turn to Me, turn to truth, give up everything else and follow Me. I will not settle for anything less. The life you save may be your very own. Repent.

Home – Church

September 29, 2009

These are God’s words.

Your home is in the church, and the church is in your home.
Buildings are just buildings; they can be both.

Church of the Reformation

September 29, 2009

These are God’s words.

The Church of the Reformation has to start somewhere. You are pioneers, so pioneer. There is nothing wrong with preaching. Just combine it with love feasts which are more than food. I love you – love Me and one other. You must learn to do this. Open house, open meals, open worship. Churches should be open to all, all the time. This requires sacrifice for the overseer and the facilitator. The facilitator is a deacon, which is service without authority. Therefore, a woman may be a deacon, Acts notwithstanding.

Remember, I have to work within the constraints of culture to some extent. The culture in the West is different today, neither is correct. The attitude of submission is tricky, especially submission to those being served. You are not their slaves, but you are their servants. Serve within my law. This is a difficult balance and requires Holy Spirit to get it right. Those served are your masters in a sense, do as they ask, but within my law. They have no excuse to violate it, nor you to aid them. To those with authority, you are still servants and servants have master’s – both Me and they. Serve both, by serving them you serve Me.

As for yourselves, you are children not servants. You are servants when you serve them who are your masters without knowledge or understanding. Do not tell them they are your masters. Act within your own heart, and do, don’t explain. This is a new thing.  It has never been done very well – although some have tried and even succeeded to some extent. This is meat. Chew well before digesting. Do and learn. Do, and live.

Shortages Coming

October 8, 2009

These are God’s words.

Food shortages, water shortages, truth shortages. Get ready while you can or it is too late. Rely on Me but get in gear.

What is Revival?

October 10, 2009

These are God’s words.

Revival is the renewal or creation of a relationship with God characterized by conviction, repentance, and a complete change of direction in the lives of all those affected. Revival is a work of God, but requires willing participation by people. Revival is real and very, very powerful, but it requires a desire and seeking before it can happen. That is why there are no major revivals in North America or Europe; too complacent, too self satisfied, too unwilling to recognize the need or do the work, if they do recognize the need. That is why there can be revival in persecution. Peoples minds are concentrated and they are much more open to change. Repentance is one form of change. Large scale and deep repentance is revival. Revivals can be powerful but they are temporary and do not last more than a few years. The effects may last a generation or two, but that is all.

Reformation, however, lasts until the next one. The changes are nearly permanent or, at least, last for a long time; many generations. Reformations are violently opposed by the old and vested interests who can see the writing on the wall but who refuse to change. Their answer is to kill the threat and restore the ‘true’ order of things as defined by them,  in the name of God. They are buffeted all about and eaten from the inside, but they are nevertheless very dangerous. Do not negotiate with them. They are reprobates and unworthy of your time or Mine. They have their reward, and it is not good.

When they persecute you, get out of the way if you can. Do not fight them. That only justifies themselves in their own eyes and does nothing for you. Let them die their own death; they need no help from you. Do not expect them to go entirely away, they will not, but they will become impotent and other, stronger persecutors will arise. You may die and yet you will live. They may live for awhile, even prosper, but the end thereof will be ugly. Do not drink of their wrath. Better to die sooner rather than later with them. This does not mean that many will die, but some will. Choose now what you will do, and do not compromise.

The Charter of Reformation

October 10, 2009

These are God’s words.

When, in the course of time, man’s relationship with God becomes so strained that a vast schism exists between heaven and earth and, though God speaks often and long, men will not hear or heed and go their own way. When the self directed steps of men lead only to disputes, despair, and death and the end of all life, the wise can see it is so but can do nothing to change the result, although some try. It becomes, therefore, time to restore the relationship between God and Man – to sound the trumpet at the door of heaven and invite in a new generation, unshackled by the old, and willing to embrace God, truth, and each other. These are the children I seek, who will grow into a great company and a pure and chaste bride for My son. There is no greater thing in all of history, written and unwritten.

Come to Me; come to the wedding; come adorned and ready. All this is gain; everything else is loss. Come to Me and be My people. Come to Me and be My bride. Come to Me and fulfill the purpose of all creation from the beginning. This is the power of We.

Seek it.  Fulfill it. Come home.

Wrong Prophets; False Prophets

October 12, 2009

These are God’s words.

There are wrong prophets and false prophets. Wrong prophets are not Prophets, although they walk in the prophetic. For the most part, they do not understand what they are doing, but they are not false as those who lie and mislead are. They are simply wrong in much of what they say. They do not understand and usually do not understand that they do not understand. They misinterpret much of what they hear and see and fail to realize their fundamental error, which is to assume too much. They think they know and they do not. To those I say – give up your false pretenses and your false assurance. You know little and confuse many.

I have very few true Prophets, so you have some excuse for lack of a role model. Nevertheless, you think too much of yourselves and over dramatize your work. Repent and humble yourselves. You have a place and a work, but you are not Prophets. If you were I would have specifically told you. Just because you think you have heard the voice [saying you are a prophet], it was your own, not Mine. You cannot say the things you  say if you truly understand the spirit, see the spirit, hear the spirit and speak in the spirit for Me. I tolerate you, but you need to recognize your place and know your limitations and your errors and seek more truth and less self.

To all the self proclaimed prophets, false and wrong – repent, for I can use you, but I will not in your present condition. A gift of prophecy does not a Prophet make. My true Prophets are rare and the price they pay is higher than you know. Humble yourselves and know your place. I decide who My Prophets are, you do not. Know your place and keep it and you will do well.

Light Defeats Dark

October 16, 2009

This word began with a vision which is difficult to describe. There were objects looking like biscuits separated by black dark. A laser shot out and melted the darkness between the biscuits. The biscuits then joined together into what looked like a sheet cake.

These are God’s words.

People are separated by the darkness. Defeat the darkness, and they can be joined together. The laser light you saw is directed love. Darkness is anti – anti God, anti truth, anti human, anti life.

There are two kinds of light – illuminating light like the sun or the moon or a light bulb or a candle, and directed light like a flashlight, spot light or very directed like a laser. The first illuminates everything and makes the darkness hide and work in only certain areas. Directed light illuminates the dark places and drives away the dark, but only for a period as the light shines there. A laser is a weapon and destroys darkness. A laser is carefully constructed and used. A laser is dangerous in the hands of an incompetent operator. You are a laser, but you are not yet competent. Learn your craft.

Christians are lights that show in the dark. They are illumination around themselves. Some are brighter than others. A bright and steady light can be directed to illuminate a condition, situation, or person. A gathering of individual lights into a congregation or church should shine as a beacon in a light house, but most sputter and glow feebly. The darkness is growing deeper and the lights are going out. This makes a light stand out in the darkness, but a feeble light does not show very far.

The world cries out for light and those with a little hide in their houses and conceal their light from the world. They light their own space but no other. The churches have failed. They illuminate nothing and shutter the window of the lighthouses and entertain themselves within the little light they have.

Wake up, oh churches! Purchase oil, trim wicks, set the lenses to magnify the light and quit hiding in yourselves. Your lights are failing, and you seem not to notice or care. An unlit candle is good for nothing, and I will throw it away where it will be melted in the furnace of tribulation having served no useful purpose.

Repent. Reform. Change your ways. You have failed Me and yourselves and your neighbors. Repent and let your light shine.

Love Your Neighbor As Yourself

October 16, 2009

Love Your Neighbor As Yourself.

I don’t like to be hungry.

I don’t like to be thirsty.

I don’t like to be hot or cold.

I don’t like to sleep on the ground.

I don’t like to fear or doubt or worry.

Do you?


We offer what food we can,

What water we have,

Shelter and a bed as we are able.

Only God can dispel your fear and doubt and worry.

He wants to.

We can tell you why and offer His Hope for you.

Let Your Love Light Shine

October 16, 2009

These are God’s words.

Serve God not from duty, not from guilt, not from fear, not for reward, but for love and love alone. He first loved us. Can we not at least return it with interest? And, even at that, we are but adequate servants. Return it ten fold; a hundred fold. Return God’s love with everything that is in you – your time, your devotion, your thoughts, your dedication of all to Him. Sit on His lap and tell Him you  love Him. Do it every day. Never cease, always more, and your light will be so bright none can ignore it. And like a moth to a flame, the lost will come to you. Your love leads them to My love, and My love leads them to love. And so it continues, and grows, and overthrows the darkness.

This is the great plan and the great commandments – love God and love your neighbor.

There is no defense.  The light will prevail. The darkness will try, but it must give way to the rising of the Son. Your light is His light – let it shine!

Love God – Totally

October 16, 2009

What does it mean to love God with all that you are? It means to pay attention to Him. When He whispers in your ear – do what He says. First you have to be able to hear Him.  And to do that you must know Him; and to do that you must spend time with Him. What could be more important than that? If there is anything more important than that, then you are missing the point. You neither know Him, or hear Him, even if you try.

When you can reliably hear His voice, what do you do with what He says? Do you take the hint, obey the commands, follow suggestions? And if you do, is it reluctantly or begrudgingly? Do you love to hear your Father’s voice and seek to please Him – not out of fear or duty, but because you want to?

Isn’t He the most exciting, interesting person ever? Do you know what He likes? His hobbies, His music, His desires and plans? Do you seek to do what He wants, what He likes, what He yearns to accomplish?

Why not? Part of love is self sacrifice. Do what He asks you to do before He asks. If you know Him well enough, you can do that.

Love God with your:





Do you really, truly appreciate all He does, who He is, and your part in it? You are part of We and that is no small thing.

The Power of We

October 16, 2009

These are God’s words.

The power of We: God and man working together – not as master/servant, but as Father and children in a cooperative venture to which all contribute.

God Is Not Interested In Semi-Christians

October 25, 2009

These are God’s words.

I want total Christians; not semi, lukewarm, uncommitted, stay at home Christians. I want, and I need, totally committed, zealous, 24 hour a day Christians who will eagerly anticipate My desire and do it. This requires focus and abandonment of every other wish and desire. You cannot serve God and anything else – for anything else will be your master. This is a choice, and you have to make it. If you make the choice, then you must exercise it. One step at a time, one day at a time, choice after choice, until you become what you have chosen. Then you don’t have to choose anymore – it is what you are. My servants have been saying this for centuries, and neither it, not I, have changed. You just have to do it. Do it because I have given it to you to do. It is your due and no more. You will be richly rewarded, but because I love you, not because you deserve it for what you have done – no mater how well you do it.

I seek, and am creating, mature children who understand, anticipate, and do what they see their Father do. To see what I do requires great effort and sacrifice. It has never been easy, and it will become no easier as this age progresses to its ultimate doom. I need living stones to build My new temple, and you are those stones if you will but do it. You have seen My love and My works in My Son, and you should know that it is not for nothing that you do these things. You do them for Me, for creation, for the saving of humanity, and lastly for yourselves. You cannot do this unless you know why you do it.

Greater love has no one than he lay down his life for his friends, his enemies, his world, and his God. Go forth and love, but do it with understanding, and purpose, and total commitment. You will be rejected, and hated, and persecuted, and killed by the many; and loved and appreciated by the few, and especially by Me. The sacrifice and the cost is great, but the reward is also. When one sinner repents, heaven rejoices and angels sing and so will you – for it is your work as well as Mine.

To the Church of the Bride and the First Born

October 25, 2009

You are the smallest of seeds, and yet you will become great and fill the whole earth. I long to tell of all your great deeds that you will do, but it is better that you see them done yourselves. The way is dark, and hard, and forbidding, but you will come through. For there is a path, and you will stay on it if you listen to Me and your guides. They know the way but not the path. The path will be lighted as you go and as you need it. Just keep walking. There are many lost in the darkness who will come to your light on the path. You are the light; I am the guide – follow the path.

You are going through the wilderness in the dark. There are many vicious creatures, but they are afraid of the light and will not hurt you, though they will snarl and hiss in the dark. The wilderness is untrue religion. Many are lost in the wilderness thinking they have truth, but having very little. So they build great highways and invite and lead many to nowhere, or worse, to destruction and death. I am not their guide, but I am yours, if you will not build your own way but follow Mine. There are many false guides who will only get you lost, as they themselves are lost, in the wilderness.

Come out of the wilderness, seek truth and you will find it. Seeking is not a casual looking around, but earnest and meaningful studying and searching. Don’t look for easy answers, look for the true answers.

You will be known for what you do – not what you think you should do.

Time, Times, and Half a Time

October 29, 2009

God asked me, “Why does everyone assume ‘time, times and half a time’ [Rev 12:14] equals three and a half years?”

Then He said this:

You [theologians] try too hard to understand what you cannot understand. Why can’t you just accept that you cannot know and rely on Me for the revelation of truth, instead of trying to force reconciliation of months and days and years? My ways are not your ways, and My time is not your time. I will reveal truth via My prophets when I chose to do so, and not before. Your efforts at understanding and explanation are futile – so why don’t you try listening to Me and not yourselves and your companions? Neither you, nor they, have the answers. You assume too much and never ask why I did it this way. Hence, you cannot but err.


The Word, The Truth, and The Keeper Of The Keys.

Holy Spirit Said

October 30, 2009

Holy Spirit said: I don’t cause people to bark like dogs, cluck like chickens, hiss like snakes, or act like drunks, and I am offended that you think I would.

God’s Reaction to the US Elections of November 2009

November 4, 2009

These are God’s words.

I am not pleased with this nation or this region [Pacific Northwest]. I have given you the right to govern yourselves and look what you have done with it. You run from My laws and seek only your own way and benefit for yourselves, as long as someone else pays for it. You grow bigger and bigger government so they can do what you should be doing for yourselves. And you wonder why things just get worse. Foolish, foolish people; I have given up on you. You will not change. You will not repent. You will not seek righteousness, but only evil, and you will get what you deserve.

I no longer bless this land, although I have blessed it more than any other, and you take the blessing and make it a curse. You have made it a curse, and you shall eat the fruit of it. I have removed My protection from the land. You will now eat of the fruits of your labor as all the nations do and, as you fall, the nations will despise you and rejoice in your distress because of the jealousy they have had. They will be jealous no more, but delight in your fall – and you have brought it on yourselves.

You have had elections in which I sought for righteousness, and I sought for wisdom, and I sought for a servant’s heart, and I found none. I am done. You have lost. Your land will dry up, your seed will rot, your money becomes worthless, and your hope disappears. You have thought it was you who made the nation great, but is I who will make it small.

To the few who will listen – repent, and turn to Me. Only I can save you in the greatest collapse the world has ever seen.

From exalted to rejected in so short a time! There is nothing worth saving. You have made My choice easy. I have turned My face from you. And yet, for the few, I will not utterly forsake you – and yet, you are so evil you will persecute the very ones who keep you from total destruction. Your end is near. You can hear the foot steps in the hall. Soon the door will open and you will see death. You have earned it.

Oh Christians, Wake Up!

November 4, 2009

These are God’s words.

How can you claim to be Mine? Your discernment is so lacking you think evil, good. You celebrate and revel in Halloween thinking it is fun, and cute, and an excuse for a party. Do you not know what you are playing with? There are dark spirits, and they want only your destruction. They are fueled by hate and you fan the flames!

I hate sorcery and witchcraft, and you play with it thinking it harmless and fun. How blind you are. You have not read My word.  You have not asked to see, and you reject My warnings. Listen now, or you will experience what you play with to your everlasting shame and regret. Flee the dark and seek the light, for when darkness closes in you cannot escape it.

There is evil in the land and you ignore it. You say “but it’s only one day” – and I say “there is only one eternity.”


November 4, 2009

There are no white witches, only witches.

A Message to the Voters of Washington State – November 8, 2009

November 8, 2009

God gave me this word in reference to R71, the everything but marriage referendum, the night of the recent election, Nov 3, 2009. I considered what to do with it and have decided to go ahead and post it. See my page on God and politics for more about this.

These are God’s words.

You don’t tolerate gay marriage – you want it. You think yourselves loving, and tolerant, and kind, and accepting – and you are accepting! You will accept anything but truth. You think – aren’t we great! We are so tolerant, so accepting, so loving – unlike those prejudiced, hateful defenders of God’s most sacred creation, marriage. You say – we will not call it marriage, but you do not fool even yourselves, let alone Me.

You have become the first state to enact this evil with the approval of the populace, and you shall be the first state to suffer My wrath. Do not despair, you are not alone, you are only the first. Others are panting at your heels, and they too shall have their reward.

I am not pleased, and you had better recognize it, or you will suffer for it. You think there is no God? You do err, and you will learn, but will you repent? You had better.

The End Has Begun

November 8, 2009

These are God’s words.

The ‘leadership’ you have seen exhibited by your politicians  has been evidenced by the back room passage of a so-called health care reform. This is foolishness of the first order and is only going to become worse. How can it get worse you ask. Wait and watch.

A spirit of hate and violence and intolerance is rising in the land, and your politicians, which you elected, are not immune. There is civil war on the horizon. It is obvious to anyone with even a small measure of vision. It will split families, churches, communities, states, and nations. There will be no winning side – only death, destruction, despair, and the loss of your freedoms.

You have brought this upon yourselves, and I will not intervene to stop it. It is the spirit of the times and you must flee it and fight for My Spirit [this is a spiritual, not physical fight] or you will not survive.

How could they (politicians) do any thing worse? Just wait.

Wake Up America!

November 16, 2009

These are God’s words.

Belshazzar of Babylon saw the writing on the wall and wondered what it meant. You see the writing on your wall everyday in newspaper headlines, TV news stories, and internet blogs, and you remain asleep. Oh, some say change and hope and reform, ‘isn’t it wonderful!’ Others say, we are being robbed of our identity and culture; others say, ‘this too shall pass’. Some say, ‘we must fight’ and others, ‘what’s the use’, as they struggle to maintain their standard of living. But no one asks why. No one asks, ‘what can we do?’ No one asks, what is the author of the writing saying?

He is saying, you have turned your back on Me, and I have turned My back on you.

You know there is a monster in the room and all you do is hide under the covers and pretend it isn’t there. It is there, and it is going to eat you unless you call for help. You cannot fight it, you cannot escape, you cannot even run for very long.

You are doomed, and you will die, unless you confess your sins and say we are a rebellious and complacent people and we repent. We have abandoned, rejected, and ridiculed  the very one who gave us our blessings, and we only curse Him when they are taken away. If you would say, ‘we will change’, ‘we will return to the path of our fathers’, ‘we will seek your will and not our own’ – then I would preserve your lives. But you will not repent even to live.

In heaven, there is joy for the few who listen, and sadness and anguish for those who will not.  Wake up America. Look at the writing on the wall and do something about it.

Be Right Or Be Silent

November 16, 2009

These are God’s words.

Oh foolish prophets! You chase after numbers and meaning and grasp at vapor and perceive only mists. You over-interpret and do not listen to what the spirit is saying. Quiet yourselves, quit trying to find answers and let Me find the answers. You have gifts but do not know how to use them! You think too much of yourselves and too little about what I am doing and why I do it the way I do. Your understanding is small and your arrogance great. Humble yourselves before Me and those you think you instruct. You instruct them in error and confuse many and harm not a few. I hold you accountable for this. Repent, and learn what you are doing. Quit assuming. Quit presuming. Quit thinking you are speaking for Me when you are speaking for yourselves. I am warning those I have gifted.

To those who speak falsely, knowing they lie; the agents of darkness, no matter the clothing of light; to the witches, and sorcerers, and tools of Satan – you have your reward.

To the others – repent. Find your place and be content with it. I can use you for good, but I will not in your present state. If you don’t know, be silent and learn. I am going to tolerate the foolish musings of your mouths no longer. If you have no discernment, then ask!

No more, I say, no more! Be right, or be silent.

The End of the Road

November 25, 2009

These are God’s words.

These words are finished. I have said what I have to say, which is the same as ages past. Few will listen – that has not changed either. My prophet’s words, which are My words, are ended. Few have heard, but they stand here as a witness against you.


I have begun a new work, a new thing, a new age. Be part of it if you will – I am calling to you, the choice is yours. The Church of the Reformation has begun. Come to Me.

Added May 2015

To see where this was leading visit

The Bride of Christ