The Obama Prophecies

On Sept 18, 2008 afternoon.  Out of the blue.

The current presidential campaign is a major assault by Satan on the church. Obama is the front man for a group of at least three behind the scenes. “He is not that smart” but is a willing dupe. He is not aware of Satan’s involvement. Others knowledge is unknown – not revealed nor their identities.  Note:  This was written after the fact and thus is not an exact quote.

On Nov 1, 2008 I inquired and God said this:

He has not sought Me and does not know Me. He is the tool of the master manipulator and he will not endure. He will be discarded when his usefulness is completed. His reign will be short and very, very bad. He who comes after will be even worse. Repent Oh My people, the mouth of the devourer is open. They will attempt to silence you. Do not listen to them, listen to Me and proclaim liberty to the captives.

On Nov 7, as I was meditating on this, He said the following:

Purification comes by persecution and trial, not prosperity and peace. Many will stand and some will fall. [Here He was speaking about a specific congregation. The church at large is the other way around.] The bride WILL be made ready. Prepare yourselves; the storm comes. Only those who rely solely on Me will stand. My lamp will guide you one step at a time. Only My prophets can see the whole path, and they not clearly. The enemy will try and fail. In his greatest success will be My greatest victory.

The Bride of Christ