Membership In the Church of the Reformation

What follows presupposes you have repented and been baptized. If not, see “What Is A Christian?”

The Church of the Reformation keeps no membership lists. There is no formal membership requirement. To be part of the body of the Bride is an act of God. He calls, and you answer with the total commitment and dedication required of the Bride. This involves loving God with everything that you are, and everything you have, and loving  your neighbor as yourself. You must commit yourself to the highest moral standards. You must be a seeker of truth and willing to make whatever changes (repentance) are necessary to live, and think, and be, in accordance with that truth. This is a covenant between you and God.

Forgiveness is immediate, but to come to the fullness of the stature of God takes a lifetime. Do not expect it to be easy. It will be hard. We do it for the love of God and no other reason. He asks us to die for Him and for one another. The Church and Bride is not a collection of individuals, but one body, united by common purpose and love. There is no higher calling and no greater reward, but that is not why we do it. We do it for love, and love alone.

Scripture is to be taken as a whole, not a collection of sound bites (verses). You are expected to read it, study it, and know it. It is your lifeline against deception. Never believe what a man says, believe what God says. If what a man speaks is in agreement with scripture, then believe him. You are responsible for determining this; it is part of working out your own salvation. Nevertheless, others have walked before you and know the path, and will help you stay on it. Listen to them, but also listen to God. They will be in agreement, or it is not truth.

We make no monetary demands. God instructs us to give as we purpose in our hearts, and as we are able. Giving in support of your neighbor is just as valid as giving to the church. God says that tithing is good, but it is not required.

We do not demand adherence to a particular set of doctrines as a requirement for membership. We do, rather God does, demand that you change when your beliefs are shown to be wrong or immature. Every true Christian walk involves letting go of some favorite or cherished belief. You must be willing to change, which is repentance. All too few are willing to change to the extent required to be part of the Bride.

The Bride of Christ