These are God’s words.
Did I tell you to celebrate My birthday? Did I even tell you when it was? So why then do you do it? What I tell you to do you don’t do, and what I don’t tell you to do, you do. What is wrong with this picture? Let Me state categorically; ‘I was not born in December’.
There is nothing wrong with getting together as families and friends, and there is nothing wrong with giving gifts – especially given with a spirit of giving; but not with a spirit of mammon. Too much of the later in Christmas. What are you teaching your children?
As a tradition, it is not all bad but is far from ideal. It is not wrong to exchange gifts and is not forbidden to recognize My birth, but why combine them? And why do it on a day based in false religion?
I do not forbid it, but I do not recommend it either. If you choose to observe this day – do it one way or the other, but not both. Secular or religious, one ditch or the other. In this case, don’t stand in the middle of the road.