Are you starting to get the message?

Judgment has come to this nation and beyond. Is it not becoming undeniable? It is not going to get better it is going to get a lot worse. You give up your freedom for security and you will end up with neither. This is just the beginning and any temporary respite will be just that – temporary. How long before the DOW hits 1000? Yet the DOW will still exist as will this nation, but in what form, and what subjugation, and what destruction, and what want?

This nation has abandoned God and that includes most of Christianity. Did you think there were not consequences? There are consequences and they will become far, far worse than they are now. Those who prepare themselves will have a better chance to survive. Get out of the cities, get some land, learn the old ways, learn some of the skills most used to have. Technology is not evil but over reliance will lead to your doom. Most important is to develop a relationship with God on His terms not yours or some religious “expert”.

Get used to shortages, get used to empty shelves, get used to long lines. Look at life in third world countries for that is your future. Does the nation deserve this? Yes. Can you escape? Yes. Can the nation? No. It is too late. They will not repent – only cling to even greater sin, greater depravity, and greater suffering. For an individual it is never too late. Repent, seek God and He will be found, but to do so you must change. Abandon many of your beliefs and seek truth no matter the cost personally, socially, economically, politically, or in any other way. To find your life you must leave it; and to build a new society you must abandon the old.

There is a new world coming, but the price will be catastrophic. Are you willing to pay any price, bear any burden, go any place? If you are then you may not just survive, but help change the world for the better. And for doing that you will be hated, persecuted, and killed.

There is hope and also a lot of hopelessness. Choose which you will pursue.