All posts by COTR

Are you starting to get the message?

Judgment has come to this nation and beyond. Is it not becoming undeniable? It is not going to get better it is going to get a lot worse. You give up your freedom for security and you will end up with neither. This is just the beginning and any temporary respite will be just that – temporary. How long before the DOW hits 1000? Yet the DOW will still exist as will this nation, but in what form, and what subjugation, and what destruction, and what want?

This nation has abandoned God and that includes most of Christianity. Did you think there were not consequences? There are consequences and they will become far, far worse than they are now. Those who prepare themselves will have a better chance to survive. Get out of the cities, get some land, learn the old ways, learn some of the skills most used to have. Technology is not evil but over reliance will lead to your doom. Most important is to develop a relationship with God on His terms not yours or some religious “expert”.

Get used to shortages, get used to empty shelves, get used to long lines. Look at life in third world countries for that is your future. Does the nation deserve this? Yes. Can you escape? Yes. Can the nation? No. It is too late. They will not repent – only cling to even greater sin, greater depravity, and greater suffering. For an individual it is never too late. Repent, seek God and He will be found, but to do so you must change. Abandon many of your beliefs and seek truth no matter the cost personally, socially, economically, politically, or in any other way. To find your life you must leave it; and to build a new society you must abandon the old.

There is a new world coming, but the price will be catastrophic. Are you willing to pay any price, bear any burden, go any place? If you are then you may not just survive, but help change the world for the better. And for doing that you will be hated, persecuted, and killed.

There is hope and also a lot of hopelessness. Choose which you will pursue.

Woe To The Churches Who Think They Are Better Than God

These are God’s words in response to the Presbyterian Church’s acceptance of homosexual marriage. It is not limited to that denomination. March 18, 2015

All you organizations who use My name and yet deny it by your acts – how dare you presume to change the fundamental structure of society. Do you not think I knew what I was doing when I created marriage? Do you think you are god and can change whatever you want to? And why is it you want to in the first place? Because you are a perverse and evil generation being in ignorance, blind, and without understanding. You think you have compassion, and your acceptance and your love and your morality exceeds heaven’s, and you are mistaken. Your mistakes will destroy you.

You are already destroyed, and you cannot even see it standing in the door, sword raised, ready to strike. I do not call for your repentance – it is too late for that. You have made your decisions, and I have made Mine. Now we will see who is greater. Will you die or will I? It is a foolish question and yet you still think you will prevail because you are more righteous than God.

How long ago did you cease to read the scriptures in which some things are very clear and others clouded, but you do not even consider them except to extract bits to support your belief. Belief will not save you. You believe I will not act; you believe I do not care; you believe you are superior and more righteous than I; and you will perish in your belief. Your fate is sealed, but you should stop leading others to their destruction. At least die with honor without trying to take so many innocents with you. But you have no honor either.

You think you are better than God? You will be destroyed for that arrogance, and those who listen to and accept your apostasy will die with you. You have chosen to abandon God and God has chosen to abandon you.

A message from God 12/30/2019

Cry out O Land for your doom is sure.

The people have forgotten who they are, where they came from, and why they exist. They have become foolish beyond any prior peoples and they cause their own distress of life, liberty, and joy. How can so great a nation become so pathetic and so small. You rejoice in evil, condemn righteousness, and still wonder why it is all going so wrong. You are the reason it is going so wrong. You murder your young, worship immorality, pervert marriage, and confuse even your own identity (male/female).

Do you think there are no consequences? The consequences are your society not just in decay but total collapse. You have lost all guidance apart from your own opinion and twisted morality. You are adrift in a sea of sludge (sewage) and your boat is leaking and beyond repair. For the nation there is no hope. It is too late, too far gone, too corrupt, too committed to the path you are following. At the end of the path is only death, despair, disaster after disaster with out rest.

For the nation it is too late. The commitment has been made and cannot change. But, for the individual it is never too late. Repent, change your path, change your foolishness to wisdom, your death to life, your hopelessness to surety, your evil to good. It is God who defines good, not you. Abandon your lie (life) and seek truth. It can be found, but you must pay a price and that price is the hatred of everyone around you. The government will persecute you, your neighbors will seek to kill you, your family will abandon and despise you. In the end, they will all die and so may you. But out of death comes life. An outcome which cannot be understood except by the righteous. Let them die, they deserve it. They have worked very hard for it. Let them have their wages, their reward. Get off the path of destruction, death, and despair. Embrace life even if you have to die to find it. Life is for the living; not those who are still alive and already dead. The path of the many is already fixed, but the path of the individual, your path, can be changed.

You have to choose. You have to take the path less traveled – the difficult path, the narrow path, the path opposite to all those around you. Choose life, choose repentance, choose change, or stay the course already chosen by most and perish with the many. Be among the few. For it is the few who will ultimately redeem the world and all those who perish. Without the few there is no future. The many are far too blind to see it and would reject it even if they could. Ignore the foolish, blind, self righteous, masses – they are doomed. Live for yourself, for your family, and even for them. Your life can save the world. Choose life.

The future of the world in twenty minutes.

From May 7, 2020

  • War. Wars within nations. Unity becomes division, and division begets destruction the survivors must deal with.
  • Famine. None to grow, none to hoe. The distribution breaks down even when supplies are produced
  • No one is safe. No one escapes the consequences of mismanagement, greed, and insanity.
  • Pestilence. When the insects wear gas masks, chemical warfare no longer works. The foolishness of man comes back on him as all the yield increases are reversed and then some.
  • Weather turns against you as storms ravish their destruction randomly. Water when you need sun, sun when you need water; wind when you need calm, and calm only before the storm.
  • Jobs will come and jobs will go. Those with skills will find them unneeded and those without skills will be unneeded. Companies will fall and a few will rise, only to fall themselves. Riches become poverty and poverty becomes the norm.
  • Health cannot exist in a world such as this. And all the foolish choices and easy answers, all the drugs, all the miracle cures, fall like rain in a lake already too full.
  • Education means little as the masters are shown for the fools they are. How can the ignorant teach anyone, and how can a system survive indoctrination instead of instruction in truth.
  • Truth, what little there is of it, cannot survive in a world of thoughtlessness, misrepresentation, and lies, in which everyone clings to their opinion and those who support it regardless of the consequences. My opinion is truth and everything else is a lie, and a conspiracy, and a monument to dishonor; a concept alien to all.
  • Why is there no way out? Because you are comfortable in your deception, your compromise, your embracement of evil. You love your demented entertainment, escape into drugs, sexual depravity, identity confusion, murder of the defenseless, and persecution of anyone who says anything in opposition, and in particular anyone who mentions truth, error, or change.
  • Why? Why? Why? Because you deserve it!

God’s Warning and Instruction January 2, 2014

It Happened Once – It Will Happen Again

Marriage is a holy institution initiated by God – not an arrangement of men.

If you agree with this statement and you live in San Francisco GET OUT!

If you agree with this statement and you live in Seattle GET OUT!


The original story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is found in Genesis 19. God is apparently going to repeat this judgment and warning. There were actually five cities on that plain. Four were destroyed (Deut 29:23) and one, Zoar, was spared for Lot’s sake.

Modern Sodom and Gomorrah have been identified. If the first occurrence is to be closely mirrored then two, or possibly three other modern cities will also be destroyed. They have not been identified at this time.